Monday, December 9, 2013

Mendez, Roomies and Younger

I finished the second round, and everyone is now in the house where I want them, and all houses are renovated and should have just enough beds for all the Sims. I'm trying to prevent pesky roommates from moving in, they are very irritating and I keep using Twallan's MC to kill them whenever I find them. The Winchester solution: "You move into my home uninvited, I pull the trigger!" 

Raoul Mendez proposes to Tracie Bernard. They're second cousins - their grandmothers are sisters. Samantha Thao is the great-grandmother of both of them.
He actually manages to drop the ring (clumsy) and then lose his fiancee when she is abducted by aliens.

In the meantime Raoul's mother is working on her ranking as a martial artist. It's difficult to spar in Shang Simla when every partner either mans a register or feels the need to become a paparazzo. But Colleen mangaged to kick the stuffing out of a number of (mostly elderly) Shang Simla residents, and is now at level 4.

Raoul wants to be a horseman, so he needed to work on that skill - but of course there are no horses in Shang Simla. He did take his riding skill books to study them while his mother was beating up the locals, but somehow I think learning to ride goes faster when you actually own a horse...

Dominic also brought skill books, but Regina prefers novels.

Colleen decided meditation was a less painful way to gain martial arts skill.

The next trip is to France. Raoul's father Dominic wants a bottomless nectar cellar, but he doesn't quite know where to start.
At least he's had no trouble finding the bottom of the nectar maker.

And some good advice from Champ-les-Sims locals gets him started on a grape collection.

After this trip, Tracie and Raoul get married. Apparently it was a very moving ceremony. Russell Mendez performed the actual ceremony and held a (very long, boring) speech, while Raoul was most looking forward to the wedding cake, apparently.

* * *
Meanwhile, elsewhere in town the McGoverns unexpectedly had another baby and this time it's a girl. They call her Margaret.

* * *

And in the Roomies household, Xiu Ying Kim choked on a bad jellybean. 

I've been trying to get a few more interesting death types in the local cemetery. Normally all my Sims die of old age unless there's an unfortunately accident (like when David electrocuted himself), but I thought I'd add a few splashes of colour here and there.(What a callous reason to kill someone... LOL!)

* * *
Colette and Matthew Younger had a daughter, too, but she was fully intended. Although Matthew doesn't look like he planned it this way... :)

Tracie is the new baby's first cousin. This generation has a wide age span - Michael Adams is almost an adult and Celestine Younger is only a few days old.

Next round I'm going to just play, without babies. I have to try to get most of Generation 6 married and/or going steady - those that are teens and older, that is.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Two Weddings

After Brandon's funeral, there were two weddings. Life goes on, and all that. (Especially in Sims... Three days of excessive crying, and you're ready to go on a date with the repo man...)

First, Layla Lufti and Michael Adams finally decided to tie the knot. I think Layla may have been disappointed to find that all her ex-conquests were off her relationship list after the move to the new Winchester. Or maybe she just outgrew her party days...

In any case, here's the first couple to be married in Winchester's new church. The church is on the same lot as the town hall.

Victor was the minister (Layla apparently didn't think much of his speech). He played them out as well. That's the bride's twin sister Aisha at the harmonium.

They had a party in the City Hall, which is on the same lot as the church and has a complete banquet hall upstairs. Judith held up pretty well, although I did see her crying in the corner at some point...

Aisha switched back to her formal. Now that the wedding is over... I'm sure it makes sense if you're a Sim!

* * *

A few days later there was another wedding. Rosanna Harrell finally married her girlfriend of many years, Constance McGovern. The Super Villain (halfway to becoming the next Empress of Evil) and the fraudulent fake psychic. Must be a match made in Heaven. Or maybe some other place...

This is Samantha Thao (née Adams), the eldest living resident - she's in her 80's by now. She wasn't invited to this particular wedding, but couldn't resist showing up anyway. Nothing goes on in Winchester without Samantha knowing about it.

Rosanna and Constance bought themselves a houseboat - one with a top floor, the type that looks like it may topple over even without the assistance of the Kraken..

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Mummy Curse

The Adams men all want to travel. Shawn wants to be a Great Explorer, so he wants to go to Egypt first. He's done a few tombs there, but of course they've all been reset, so he has to do them again. He's taking his father Dexter and grandfather Brandon.

Brandon kept going off by himself, so I decided to let him do the Tomb of the Rock while Shawn was off looking for flame fruits. It didn't go so well for him.

Most people just get a bit of a backache when they lose a fight with a mummy, but Brandon actually got cursed.

(He did get burned, soaked and cursed in that order - unfortunately he never accepted that particular game challenge. Frustrating, because it's literally the only time in all these years that a Sim managed to do it!)

Shawn is off on other adventures. He wants to reach a maximum visa level by completing a lot of tombs and talking to a lot of locals.

Dexter, on the other hand, is fascinated with the noble art of snake charming.

He even takes a snake in a basket home with him.

Back home Shawn decided to get to know some of the local girls a bit better. He invited Tracie and Gina Bernard as well as Lori Samson. They had all recently become young adults.

Lori and Shawn really hit it off.

Dexter was enjoying his new toy, a King Cobra.

Brandon apparently took a different kind of souvenir home from Egypt. He was feeling strange, as if there was something ominous going on around him.
Nobody else felt anything strange in the air, though, so in the end he figured he imagined it.

To distract him, Shawn invited him and Judith to his next trip, to China.

Brandon felt a lot better in China, as if a curse had been lifted... He and Judith decided this was going to be their second honeymoon, while Shawn was off running errands for the locals.

The dragon cave continues to fascinate Sims, generation after generation...

Back home the weird feeling came back, though. It seemed to swerve around Brandon wherever he went.

And suddenly one evening he collapsed into a cloud of dust. Grim came to take him.

Brandon is my first Sim to actually die of the mummy curse. It's ridiculously easy to cure, but it's nice to know what happens if you don't. Even if it's at the expense of a pixel life. LOL!!

* * *

In the meantime Gwendolyn Adams decided to move out of the house. She's probably going to stay single, but she doesn't have to live with her family forever. She decided to buy a house in town and move there with the Bernard twins and Lori Samson. They're now a kind of 'Roomies' household - a place to go for single adults who don't want to live with their parents or siblings for the rest of their lives.

Michael Adams, who lives across the street, tried to cheer Judith up by giving her two of his many cats. It didn't really work, but it was a nice distraction.

Since the game (Twallan's Story Progression, to be exact) decided that Michael Adams and Layla Lufti were a perfect couple and made them get engaged, I made plans to move Layla in to the other Adams household. I needed to move out some of the pets to make room for an extra human. 

Next up: getting Michael and Layla married! .