Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Canine Companion

There has been another upheaval in Winchester. I finally managed to finish editing the world in CAW (using the CAW files provided by My Sim Realty) and I've packed everyone in Porter. 
A couple of things went wrong at the start, though, and I had to start over using an older save. I lost a bit of progress, but it wasn't too hard to get everybody back on track. And the houses are all empty except for basic kitchens and bathrooms, so there will be a LOT of Sims without beds for the next few weeks.

Not all Sims came out of Porter the way they went in. Some Sims ended up with older careers, and in some cases their age stage was reset.

The whole Winchester population didn't really notice that their timeline was wonky. The only Sim to suffer a minor loss was Ernest Thao, who lost both his puppies.
So it's no wonder that his first wish was to adopt a dog. He wants to be a Canine Companion, and there are way too few dogs on the island.

On the first day of autumn, Ernest adopts a small dog called Violet. He also decides to move to a hut on the beach - dogs love the beach, right?

* * *

The Harrell family have adopted a small dog as well - and of course when their mother has a new pet, Eliza and Eric Sommers have no trouble persuading their father that they need for him to adopt one, too!!
(Christopher is a bit of a sucker for his kids - which his evil little son Eric knows how to take advantage of!)

I have a feeling this is one decision Christopher is going to regret!!

* * *

Meanwhile the Bingsly family have moved into a new home.

* * *

The Harrell family no longer live in Westboro Farm. They actually moved back into the house that Kelsey once owned. It's now back on a cliff, and it has a brand new granny flat in the basement.

The Westboro Farm is now the home of the Westboro family. (Another MSR family from my bin.) Which makes perfect sense.

Walter and his wife have a teenage son.

They also had a baby girl soon after their arrival (she was pregnant when they moved in).

* * *

After the move Ernest and Esther adopt another little dog. And another one, and another one... Ernest just had a tough time choosing, there were so many little dogs in the shelter this time!

The pet adoption social worker isn't very good at his job. While he was explaining to Esther that she had to give Scout a good home, poor Scout was all the way at the top of the hill - he hadn't even bothered to carry her down when he came to the door! (If you look very closely, you can see Scout's plumbob all the way at the top of the hill, right in front of the row of buckthorn trees.)

So now they have four little dogs: Violet, Gatsby, Floyd and Scout. And they do love running on the beach, just like Ernest predicted.

Esther has been raking leaves, so Floyd is staying closer to home for now - chasing the squirrels.

(And yes, cousin Eugenia is at it again: Richard now has an evil doll!)

Ernest is trying to make friends with the new inhabitants - not that he likes Waldo Bingsly so much (in fact, they don't get along at all), but the Bingslys have a dog.

Since they moved into their new home, they were also joined by their son Jason.

* * *

Meanwhile elsewhere in town Yi Quan Kim came out of Porter as an Adult instead of an Elder. (He shouldn't have been an Elder in the first place, so apparently Porter undid whatever glitch aged him in the previous game...)

Here is Yi Quan leaving his brother Huan Chao's party:

Yi Quan doesn't quite understand why, but today he feels surprisingly invigorated and younger than ever. He decides to make a few lifestyle changes, starting with - of course - getting a dog to take with him when he goes fishing.

(I spotted the dog while Ernest was adopting little ones, and fell in love with his markings. I thought he'd make a good family pet for the main Kim family, but changed my mind when I saw the newly invigorated Yi Quan leave his brother's home. I think the dog suits him better than it does the over-busy household of his younger brother.)

There's still a tiny zombie problem in town every so often.

Friday, August 5, 2016

New immigrants - and the Fox family

When I examined all the versions of Winchester Farming, I came across a save game for the Pets edition that had about 20 families in it. 
I thought it might be useful to have some potential immigrants, so I saved them all to the library just in case.
Today I brought in the first of these families: the Bingsly family. The save game family consists of just an elderly couple, Waldo and Cara.

They started out living in the new hotel.

This is a lot that came with the IP version, and it was originally a resort. I decided to make it into a LN-style apartment. The 'hotel room' doors are now NPC doors. I like having a place for my service Sims to live.

The top floor is the apartment. For now, the Bingslys live there, until they find a vacant house.

There is a real resort in town. It's on the beach, and at the moment it's visited by some very odd-looking tourists.

Cara Bingsly visits some local bars. Waldo mainly goes fishing. 

It looks like they're settling in, but they do need to find a house.

* * *

On the other side of town the Fox family have been busy. Lynsay and Carlton's daughter Melissa is a toddler now, and very much a daddy's girl.

It actually started snowing while they were out at the fishing hole. By the time they got home, Carlton was freezing!

* * *

Lynsay needed to befriend one more cat for her Lifetime Wish. So I decided to see whether her two cats wanted to 'try for baby' in the new pet house, and they did.

Dinah gave birth to two kittens, Precious and Jewel. And of course it didn't take long for Lynsay to become best friends with both of them. So that's another Lifetime Wish accomplished.

* * *

Elsewhere in town Stacia McGovern got promoted again. She's now at Level 5 in Journalism, which is her fourth career, after Sports, Politics and Business. To get promoted she wrote a lot of negative reviews (since those seem to go over well with her editors and give her a bigger career boost).
So now she's achieved her Lifetime Wish, but she's made enemies of every venue in town. She even got an official notification from the diner that she was banned from ever eating there again!!

Stacia rolled the wish to join the Fortune Teller career, so that's where she is now. Once again starting at the bottom - I wonder whether she'll actually work her way up before she retires!

* * *
Meanwhile Ernest Thao is still trying to befriend a lot of dogs.

* * *

I made a new Lifespan mod and managed to accidentally delete the one I had previously. So now I'm using the same one I use for my other towns, but on the 'long' settings than 'epic'. This setting has 28 days in the year, which is the longest I've used yet for this Legacy. The advantage is that there will be room for four 7-day seasons a year. I'm having major problems setting the pet aging, though - the sliders seem to reset to something ridiculous every time I look, which is really annoying.

Both Regina Russell and Harmony Bernard are a bit over their max, so once I turn aging back on they will probably be the first to die. (Although Yves is only a week away from hitting the max, too.)

Master of Mixology and Master of Romance!

While Buddy was away enjoying himself at Uni, Donovan Harrell studied hard to become a Master Mixologist. And he did a bit of moonlighting on the casino boat as well.

The moment he maxed his Mixology skill, he ran to City Hall to buy himself his own bar.

However, the moment his Lifetime Wish was fulfilled, he had the wish to become a teacher, so he sold the bar again, quit his job as a vegetable slicer, and joined the Education career...

* * *

And while this was going on at home, Buddy went back to Uni to finish his degree. And he was happy to find Ayana was still there. The first thing he did this term was look her up, and ask her the important question:

And then they created a new place for them to WooHoo. I think Ayana likes the idea of WooHoo in as many locations as possible, but I think she'd prefer to be Buddy's only partner.

Buddy has quite a reputation, but this term he only has eyes for Ayana. It does take a bit of work to convince her of that, though. Every time they're apart for a day or so, she's heard a new rumour about him, and it takes a lot of romantic interaction to get her to come around again!

(And yes, that was a streaker behind the barrista bar, but Buddy didn't even notice. How's that for a reformed character, huh?)

But besides the romance and the studies, there are other Uni shenanigans, of course!! Buddy had a lot of wishes that involved things like tagging walls, playing juice pong, hanging out with the mascot... He tried to do everything, as he was saving Lifetime Reward Points. He really, really needed to do something about his horrible reputation!

In spite of his busy schedule, Buddy manages to graduate with an A. And he had enough points to get himself a Clean Slate. That should keep Ayana off his back for a while!

* * *

After graduation he goes home again, and joins the political career. He starts at a higher level, as a Yes-Man to Mayor Blake Samson. He immediately invites Ayana over to meet his parents. And of course to ask her the next important question.

* * *

In the meantime his little sister Margaret went to the prom with Darrin Younger. She'd been writing him loveletters for a while now.

However, it wasn't until the prom ended that Darrin finally asked Margaret to go steady. She's been walking on air ever since!!!

Margaret wants to be a Vocal Legend when she grows up, while Darrin wants to be a Master of the Arts. I'm also hoping Darrin can do the Art Appraiser career (the 'forger' branch, of course - he is the son of a Master Thief, after all), since Gwendolyn Adams died before she reached the top of that career branch.