Wednesday, May 22, 2019

It's been a while - catching up!

It's been a while! The game still exists, though. And everyone is still doing fine. In real life, it may have been three years, but in the game it's been hardly two weeks!
First of all, I have to work through the last remainder of my Photobucket pictures. I kept a free account there, so hopefully they will continue to work.

Janelle Harrell got to the top of her career in Journalism, in spite of the fact that she was kicked out of that career a few times by the game.

Her lifetime wish had nothing to do with journalism, though - so anyone who wants to give it a shot is free to try it.

And there's a different brand of journalist still hanging around. The local paparazzo has been forced into a superhero outfit for some reason. (Or maybe for no reason at all except that it's a chance for somebody to finally air those outfits...)

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Julietta Mendez is a child now - and interested in the local wildlife, apparently.

The polar bear club is apparently still a thing.

So is sliding down the banisters.

And here's a glimpse of the inside of the new (old) library.

(Nobody likes Mena Mendez. There's a reason she dresses in a Vita Alto brand coat. There's a stench of Simicide around her...)

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The laundromat is still a busy place.

Not everyone knows how to repair a faulty washing machine!! Still, they are a necessary evil.

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Some more community lots have been furnished as well.

The new firestation is at the corner of the street, next to the pet shop. It has just about everything a firestation needs, including a woo-woo in its own garage.

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Across the street is a new e new nerd shop. They sell comics, and there are a lot of gaming tables in the basement. A small group of Sims regularly gathers for Dungeons and Dragons.

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Meanwhile a couple of Sims have been exploring the 'real' catacombs. First of all, Wu Kim decided to pay a visit to the Reaper, and challenge him to a guitar battle.

(If you ask me, it's kind of creepy to have Grim say he would like to 'know you better'. Ominous, even!)

Wu did really well - she got herself a death flower. Trevor McGovern tried, too, and he did very well.

Dominic Mendez had  lucky escape. His guitar skill may not have been sufficient, but his dodging skills saved his life!

The paparazzo didn't do so well. However, he didn't stay dead.

He was walking around town the next day, annoying as ever.

Grim then moved around the church a bit, and found the preacher - it looks like he's complaining about the fact that this version of Sims doesn't have 'death by flies'.

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There are always ghosts around in the church, especially after midnight.

Tom Thao - whose daughters Harmony and Regina just joined him and his wife among the ghosts of Winchester:

And more ghosts, of various ages - mostly grey and old, but with the occasional pop of colour, such as Xiu Ying Kim.

Ghosts don't always like seeing ghosts. Apparently.

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