Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How to become a superstar - the Showtime edition

So Margaret  McGovern, the daughter of Rockstar Trevor McGovern, wants to become a superstar singer. Not by performing at the local theatre and learning to play the guitar, like her father, but the hands-on approach: doing sing-a-grams and playing for tips.

So, first of all, Margaret needs a new alias. She settles on Maggie Cheri.

And then, she needs a new home. She settles on her family's old home, Crestwood Farm. Not sure why she feels the need to rant about the small size of it - she knew what she was getting into, and at least this time she doesn't have to sleep on the top floor of the garage.

Now it's time to start working. It's amazing how many Sims on Winchester island want to send each other sing-a-grams.

She quickly rises from level 1 to level 3. Same job, different outfit. 

All in all she's made a good start. Things will probably get harder once she climbs the ladder a bit more, but for now she's happy with her progress.

* * *

In the meantime the Kim sisters are following in their mother's footsteps. Bernadette still wants to be a deep sea diver, but her mother's not keen on it since her brother died from running out of air.

So for now Bernadette is a fortune teller.

And so is Chrystal, who is at level 7, and ready to do some private readings.

Chrystal wants to be a superstar in her own field. A Master of Mysticism.

* * *

Jason Bingsly, meanwhile, wants to be yet another type of star: a Star News Anchor. He's not getting anywhere at the moment, but maybe a review of the bistro will help.

If not, he could try digging up dirt on some of the local celebs...

Saturday, July 11, 2020


There still aren't enough Sims in town to fill all the careers. Of course there's no need for more criminals - with Rosanna's death the last of the career criminals is gone, so that rabbithole will not need co-workers, which is a relief.

In the meantime the few professional athletes have decided that Winchester is too small to support any kind of major sports team, and the few remaining athletes have now switched jobs.
Colleen Mendez, the last remaining athlete in town, is in Law Enforcement now, and Ernest Thao, who was the local Sports Agent, has gone into Politics. He had so much charisma skill that it wasn't hard for him to make the switch.

Other Sims have left their professions for rabbithole careers as well, but there is still a bit of a shortage.

* * *

In the meantime the Mendez family lost their oldest horse, Belladonna.

(Not sure why Grim is thinking of business deals and earning Simoleons here - perhaps he gets commission on every soul collected?)

Monday, March 30, 2020

Doing it All - the great Wall of Text

I'm almost done with my quest to 'do it all' as far as possible in this world. Here is what I still need to do in this particular game:

The Singer profession
A professional Band

Death by Human Statue (magician)
Death by Shark

Master of Mysticism - Reach level 10 in the Fortune Teller career, mystic branch
Star News Anchor - Reach level 10 in the journalism career path
Vocal Legend - Reach level 10 in the singing profession

I'm attempting the Architectural Designer, Firefighter and Life Guard professions in rotation. I know those lifetime wishes don't work (the counters reset when you switch to another household) but I think Sims might still get to the top of those careers in a rotational game.

* * *

Just for my own amusement, I've copied what I've done so far. Like the title says: a huge wall of text.

This is what I've done in this particular game:

I've completed all the rabbithole careers now:
Acting/Actor - Raphael (McGovern) Bernard
Acting/Director - Dexter Adams
Art Appraiser/Acquisition (rebel) - Bernadette Kim
Art Appraiser/Appraisal (rebel) - Susannah (Thao) Fox
Business - Hui Young Kim
Criminal/Evil - Rosanna Harrell
Criminal/Thief - Matthew Younger
Culinary - Harmony Bernard
Education - Ginny (Fisk) Bernard
Fortune Teller/Mystic - Bianca (Harrell) Kim
Fortune Teller/Scam Artist - Constance McGovern
Journalism - Janelle (McGovern) Harrell
Law Enforcement/Special Agent - Francesca Adams
Law Enforcement/Forensic - Terra (Thao) Sommers
Medical - Yves Bernard
Military - Frederick Adams
Music/Symphonic - Victor Adams
Music/Rock - Trevor McGovern
Politics - Blake Samson
Professional Sports - Ho Sung Kim
Science - Daisy Adams
Sports Agent (jock) - Ernest Thao
Video Game Developer/Artist (nerd) - Bryan Fox
Video Game Developer/Engineer (nerd) - Carlton Fox

And all the part-time jobs:
Bookstore Clerk (Register, Sorter, Moderator) - Nathan Harrell
Grocery Clerk (Assessor, Designator, DJ) - Shawn Adams
Mausoleum Clerk (Burial, Overseer, Epitaph Writer) - Michael Adams
Spa Receptionist (Beverage, Intake, Ringer Up-er) - Sheila Harrell
Spa Specialist (Folder, Guard, Package Seller) - Lori Samson
Part Time Film (Commercial, TV, Teen Star) - Roger Adams

And most of the work-from-home professions:
Acrobat - Roger Adams
Alchemist - Gillian (Kim) McGovern
Angler - Yi Quan Kim
Gardener - Tracie (Bernard) Mendez
Ghost Hunter - Huan Chao Kim
Horseman - Raoul Mendez
Inventor - Yue Xiulan Adams
Investigator - Huan Chao Kim
Magician - Leonard Harrell
Nectar Maker - Dominic Mendez
Painter - Sun Young (Kim) Adams
Photographer - Daniel Harrell
Scuba Diver - Huan Chao Kim
Sculptor - Angelina Bundy
Stylist - Melanie (Sommers) Samson
Writer - Chen Adams

I've had Sims die in almost every way possible:
Old Age - Daisy Adams
Starvation/Cow Plant - Kelsey Harrell
Electrocution/Lightning - David Adams
Fire - Pablo Mendez
Mummy's Curse - Brandon Adams
Watery Grave (magician) - Leonard Harrell
Transmutation - Chen Adams
Jelly Bean - Xiu Ying Kim
Freezing - Jerome McGovern
Ranting - Angelina Bundy
Blunt Force Trauma - Terra (Thao) Sommers
Meteor - Collette (Bernard) Younger
Drowning/Door of Life and Death - Rosanna Harrell
Running Out of Air - Alexander Kim

I've had Sims complete almost all the possible lifetime wishes:
Alchemy Artisan-Reach Level 10 in Alchemy Skill and use 50 Elixirs - Gillian (Kim) McGovern
Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder-Leevel 9 in the science career - Jeannine (Lambert) Harrell
Become a Master Thief-Level 10 in the criminal career-thief path - Matthew Younger
Become a Superstar Athlete-Reach level 9 in the sports career - Ho Sung Kim
Become an Astronaut-Reach level 10 in the military career - Frederick Adams
Blog Artist-Reach level 10 in social networking, create 5 star blog - Janelle (McGovern) Harrell
Bottomless Nectar Cellar[/b]-Have at least 50 bottles worth 50,000 simoleons - Dominic Mendez
Celebrated Five-Star Chef-Reach level 10 in the culinary career - Harmony (Thao) Bernard
Celebrity Psychic-Level 10 in the Fortune Teller career, Scam artist path - Constance McGovern
CEO of a Mega-Corporation-Reach level 8 in the business career - Hui Young Kim
Chess Legend-Max logic and reach level 5 in pro chess - Russell Mendez
Deep Sea Diver-Max scuba skill and sell 40,000 simoleons worth of collectibles - Bernadette Kim
Descendant of da Vinci-Max painting, sculpting, and inventing - Yue Xiulan (Kim) Adams
Distinguished Director-Reach level 10 in the film career track (director branch) - Dexter Adams
Fashion Phenomenon-Make it to level 10 in the Stylist Profession - Melanie (Sommers) Samson
Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler-Level 10 in law, forensics path - Lori (Samson) Adams
Gold Digger-See the ghost of a rich dead spouse - Mena (Lufti) Mendez
Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers-Max charisma and guitar - Julien Bernard
Great Explorer-Fully explore 6 tombs in each travel destination - Shawn Adams
Heartbreaker-Sim must have 10 boyfriends or girlfriends - Layla Lufti
Hit Movie Composer-Reach level 10 in the music career path, symphonic path - Victor Adams
Illustrious Author-Master painting and writing - Elden Adams
International Super Spy-Reach level 10 in the law career, special agent path - Francesca Adams
Jack of All Trades-Reach level 5 of 4 different careers - Stacia McGovern
Leader of the Free World-Reach level 10 in the political career - Blake Samson
Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous-100,000 simoleons and Celebrity Rank 5 - Sheila (Harrell) Adams
Living in the Lap of Luxury-Family net worth of 263,000 simoleons - Judith Adams
Major Master-Earn 3 degrees - Bryan Fox
Martial Arts Master[/b]-Level 10 in martial arts and grand master - Colleen (Boucher) Mendez
Master Acrobat-Reach level 10 in the Acrobat Profession - Roger Adams
Master Magician-Reach level 10 in the Magician Profession - Leonard Harrell
Master Mixologist-Reach level 10 in Mixology and own a bar - Donovan Harrell
Master Romancer-Woohoo with 5 different Sims in 5 different places - Buddy McGovern
Master of the Arts-Master painting and guitar - Sun Young Adams
One Sim Band-Master guitar, bass, drums, and piano - Wu (Xio) Kim
Paranormal Profiteer-Reach level 10 in the ghost hunter career - Huan Chao Kim
Perfect Mind Perfect Body-Master logic and athletic - Danelle Thao
Perfect Student-Earn a Uni degree with a perfect GPA - Carlton Fox
Physical Perfection-Max athletic and martial arts skills - Samantha (Adams) Thao
Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium-Have 13 perfect fish in fish bowls - Ji Quan Kim
Private Museum-Have a current relic collection worth at least 20,000 simoleons - Sofia Harrell
Professional Author-Earn $4000 simoleans weekly in royalties - Chen Adams
Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups - Ginny (Fisk) Bernard
Renaissance Sim-Reach level 10 in 3 skills - Susannah (Thao) Fox
Rock Star-Reach level 10 in the music career, rock path - Trevor McGovern
Scientific Specialist-Level 10 science skill; level 10 science,medical,business - Christopher Sommers
Seasoned Traveler-Visa level 3 in all travel destinations - Alexander Kim
Street Credible-Reach level 10 of the street art skill, create 7 masterpiece murals - Gwendolyn Adams
Super Popular-20 friends - Kelsey Harrell
Superstar Actor-Reach level 10 in the film career, cacting path - Raphael (McGovern) Bernard
Surrounded by Family-Raise 5 babies to teens - Tom Thao
Swimming in Cash-Have 119,000 simoleons - Brandon Adams
The Animal Rescuer-Adopt 6 strays - Michael Adams
The Canine Companion-Befriend 15 dogs - Ernest Thao
The Cat Herder-Become friends with 15 cats - Lynsay (Mendez) Fox
The Culinary Librarian-Learn all cooking recipes - Jake Sommers
The Emperor of Evil-Reach level 10 in criminal career, evil path - Rosanna Harrell
The Fairy Tale Finder-Adopt a Unicorn - Timothy Thao
The Jockey-Reach level 10 riding skill - Raoul Mendez
The Perfect Garden-Grow 8 different kinds of perfect plants - Daisy Adams
The Tinkerer-Max logic and handiness - Xiu Ying Kim
The Zoologist-Collect 20 minor animals - Bianca (Harrell) Kim
Visionary-Reach level 10 in painting and photography - Daniel Harrell
World Renowned Surgeon-Reach level 10 in the medical career - Colette (Bernard) Younger
World-Class Gallery-10 photos from China,Egypt,France, worth 25,000 - Alexandra (Fox) Kim

One wish was broken:
The Ark Builder-Have 2 each of cats, dogs, horses, birds, lizards, turtles, rodents, snakes, butterflies, and beetles
I tried this wish four times, in different ways, but it never worked.

Bryan Fox completed six degrees:
Fine Arts
Physical Education
Science and Medicine

* * *

In another game (not Adams Legacy related), I have completed these professions and careers that I couldn't make work in a non-supernatural world played rotational style.

Architectural Designer
Self-Employed Bot Builder

Plumbot Arena/Mechanic
Plumbot Arena/Official
Astronomy/Space Explorer
Alien Test Subject (Probe Tester, Specimen, Organ Farm)

Ambitions wishes with resetting counters:
Firefighter Super Hero-Save 30 Lives on the Job as a Firefighter
Home Design Hotshot-Achieve 100 top reviews as an Architectural Designer
Pervasive Private Eye-Solve 35 Cases as a Private Investigator
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law-Possess 50,000 simoleons worth of stolen goods
Monster Maker-Create 3 monsters

Supernatural wishes:
Greener Gardens-Reach level 10 in Gardening, and use Bloom 100 times (fairy)
Leader of the Pack -Turn 5 Sims into Werewolves, Collect 40,000 Hunting with a Pack (werewolf)
Magic Makeover-Cast inner beauty on 12 sims and reach level 10 in charisma (fairy)
Mystic Healer-Cure 12 Transformed Sims (witch)
Turn the Town-Drink from 20 Sims and turn 5 into Vampires (vampire)
Zombie Master-Create 10 Zombies using Reanimation Ritual or Potent Zombification Elixir (witch)

Island Paradise wishes:
Grand Explorer-Discover all 8 hidden islands
Resort Empire-Own a 5-star resort and make a 40,000 simoleon profit from your resort
Seaside Savior-Rescue 50 drowning Sims as a lifeguard

Into the Future wishes:
High Tech Collector-Level 10 Advanced Tech; Windcarver, Dream Pod, Food Synthesizer, Holo Disk, Jet Pack
Made the Most of my Time-Experience all alternate futures and be honored with a Legacy Statue
More than a Machine-Reach level 10 in Bot Building and give a Plumbot sentience

I had these types of death in the supernatural futuristic game:
Thirst (vampire)
Haunting Curse (witch)
Dehydration (mermaid)
Falling from the Sky (future)
Time Anomaly (future)

Trailers doesn't have to mean trashy...

The local trailer park has been an eyesore for a long time. The council had talked about demolishing it, maybe replacing it with apartment complexes - but the people who live there objected.
Since most of the bartenders, shopkeepers and other necessary personnel live in these trailers, you really do not want them to get angry enough to go on strike.

On the other hand, it can't stay like this - it's not just that it's a mess, but there aren't enough trailers for everyone. There are currently more than 20 Sims living on this lot.

So the trailer park gets an upgrade, but it will still be a trailer park.

Council wants neat rows, a designated parking space (no cars parked in-between the trailers any more), and a decent administration building. They also want  a fence around the entire compound.
Jeremiah Dickson and Joe LaRue are the ones calling the shots (they're the heads of the two largest families), so they get stuck with the task of buying new trailers and making everything look good.

The Dickson family sell their old trailers and borrow money to buy four second-hand trailers of the same design, and put them in a row near the front of the lot.

The LaRue family buy four identical (on the outside) extra-wide trailers (which, as you can see in the picture, still need a ton of work - but at least they're identical and in a neat row).

And Joe and Jeremiah together buy five caravans - they're cheaper, and easier to tow if necessary...

This is the first caravan that is ready to be lived in.

The others are similar - different woods, different fabrics, slightly different lay-out, but essentially very similar.

Jeremiah and Ella May Dickson are the patriarch and matriarch of the Dickson clan. They have two daughters and four sons.
(Some of the Dicksons are by Nengi at Sims Crosing, some are by frisbud at TSR.)

Maggie Sue Dickson is the town's maid, and her brother Billy Bob is the burglar. Maggie Sue has a daughter (father unknown) called Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea lives with her grandparents.

She has her own bedroom in the trailer - which is bigger than the bedrooms some kids in town have to make do with.

George Dickson runs the local farmers' market, and also lives in town. So does his son Jock, who is the bartender at the local sports bar.
However, George's son Jefferson and his wife Eleanor live in the trailer park, next to Jeremiah, in fact. (Jock and Jefferson presumably had a mother at some point, but she's not in the picture.)

Eleanor and Jefferson are expecting their first baby.

Biker Dickson is the bartender at the poolside bar on the beach, and Waylon is a bartender on the Lucky Simoleon (the local casino boat). They're both in the NPC household.

Billy Bob Dickson was married, but he cheated on his wife, then stole money from another trailer park resident, and he was kicked out of the park. He currently rents a room at the Lilac Woods Inn (where his Aunt Prude also lives).
Billy Bob's ex-wife, Susie McGovern, lives on the other side of Jeremiah's trailer, with her sons Elias and Joey Dickson.

Susie has a sister, Bunny, and a mother, Betty. Betty recently started working as a babysitter, and Bunny runs the bar at the Lucky Simoleon.
Her father was Joe McGovern, who used to own the dive bar right next to the trailer park. Her brother Joey is the local fireman.

The fourth trailer belongs to Scarlet Dickson.

She lives there with her husband Matt LeStrange, and Matt's daughter from his previous marriage, Letitia.
Scarlet is pregnant - which irritates Matt, because he dislikes children. Scarlet is 43 years old, so she probably felt it was now or never.
Letitia doesn't mind having to share her bedroom with a baby - she's family-oriented and is looking forward to having a half-sibling.

Matt LeStrange has two more children, Jacob and Serafina, also by his ex-wife Beatrice. Beatrice LeStrange now runs the barrista bar at the museum. (Judith Adams used to work there, but she kept throwing out routing error messages every morning - I'm hoping a homeless role Sim will do better.)

Beatrice is part of the NPC household (so she lives in town somewhere).

Serafina is the town's NPC repairwoman.

Jacob does live in the trailer park. He currently sleeps where-ever he can find a bed, but at some point he'll probably end up in a trailer of his own. Or maybe share one with one of the other young adult males...
He currently works as a massage therapist at the local spa.

Matt is one of the few Sims in the park who has a regular job. He's in the Science career. He will probably end up being the town's new mad scientist. (He was modeled after the Sims 1 Mad Scientist NPC.)

Ella May Dickson spontaneously started working behind the bar at the bistro.

Jefferson Dickson is married to Eleanore LaRue, and they're expecting their first child. Eleanore is one of eight children.
Franco LaRue is the local mail carrier, while  delivers pizza. Francesca works at the museumshop, while Chastity works at the cat cafe.

This is Chastity, in the background, behind the bar. The two Sims at the front are Trevor McGovern and Serafina LeStrange.

Lucille and Traveling Joe live in one of the wider trailers in the middle, with their youngest daughter, Lucy.

Lucy LaRue works as a musician at the Lucky Simoleon. Junior doesn't work at all,while Sarah runs the local consignment store.

Sarah is married to Byron Wilson, who runs the petshop. He's one of four kids. His sister is the town's police officer, his brother is the local preacher, and his brother Bob is a tattoo artist.

So that's most of the trailer park's residents.

Of course there's Mama Hick and her son Elden, who share a caravan in the back.

And then there's the Hatfield family. They live in the last wide trailer (the one on the far left in the picture). Ulysses T. Hatfield and his wife Ruby Ann have three children: Billy, Hank and Elizabeth Elvira. Uysses T. started work at Hillbilly Harry's Rodeo bar, while Ruby Ann started work at the hospital.

This is Elizabeth Elvira.

(The Hatfields are based on a Sims 1 downloadable family.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mendez, Samson, Sommers, Thao, Westboro

The Mendez family are out of their financial difficulties. So Tracie takes the opportunity to invest in her garden, and builds a greenhouse.

The rest of the family prefers to spend some money on getting some actual living room furniture.

The family have four horses. Belladonna and Dany are both over 30, so they will probably lose them soon.
Scarlet, of course, was adopted as a foal, and Chico is Dany's son (by a stud horse named Sleipnir, who does not show up in the family tree - probably because he was sold off by the equestrian center).

Juan is a teenager now. He needs an upgrade to his room, but they ran out of money.

* * *

Blake Samson got demoted to vice-president, but he doesn't seem to mind. Who wants to be Leader of the Free World anyway? (And come to think of it, what does it even mean?)

The magic gnome prefers tv to being outside, too - especially since it's winter.

Melanie is still enjoying being the town's stylist. Their house is still just right for them - so nothing to see here... Moving on...

* * *

Christopher Sommers has his kids back. Eliza is still doing well in school, but Eric has let his grades slide to a B. 
Eliza goes to her room straight away to do her homework, even though it's Sunday and she's got plenty of time.

The Sommers family has no problems, beyond that B on Eric's reportcard. Christopher is still a world-renowned surgeon. He's still looking for new trainees, but the town is short on medical personel.

* * *

Ernest Thao and his family are all still on track. Ernest is now a podium polisher, and he needs to work a bit harder to get ahead in this job. There's not much he can do outside office hours, though.

Esther is a line cook, but what she really wants is to grow her own vegetables. However, there's no house in town where she could do that - at least not one that is big enough for the family.

Maybe she'll just have to wait until she retires and Richard has left the house...

* * *

Another option is moving back in with Ernest's parents. If Brendan and Bernadette move out, that would be a good option. Or so they think.

Unfortunately, Brendan and Bernadette seem to have broken up. Too bad, really.

Brendan has been trying to find himself a new girlfriend, but so far it's been hard to forget Bernadette. Especially since she does show up when he's performing at the Festival and spontaneously hugs him...

I'm just going to see what happens next... I had planned a wedding once I got to the Thao family, but I don't want to put in too much work. LOL!!

* * *

Johnny Westboro has already gained his lifetime wish of becoming Super Popular. However, his career is failing dismally, and he's still single.

Cara Bingsly gives a party, and Johnny meets Anita Brown.

Nothing happens that evening - Anita goes in to talk to Cara, and Johnny decides to go to the library to do something about his charisma skills.

Of course he can't resist taking out his guitar. What is it with Sims and guitar playing in the library?

Anyway, he reads two charisma books that night, and should be enough for the next few levels of his career.

* * * 

And last of all, a random picture of the town's NPC police officer. I saw Billy Bob Dickson hiding behind the snowboard half-pipe at some point (he sort of sticks out with that striped outfit), so I guess she's looking for him?

(Her name is Loretta Wilson, and she has three brothers. One is a tattoo artist, one is a preacher, and the third runs the pet shop.)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Lambert, Little, Mack, McGovern

Francois Lambert lives in the Lilac Woods Inn. It's a hotel - but mostly it's residential these days. The Sims who live there are NPC workers.
Like everyone's least favourite babysitter - Prude Dickson. (Unfortunately she's the only one!)

And Pierre LaRue, the town's NPC Magician. (Who is secretly a genie.)

Others who live here are Billy Bob Dickson (the burglar) and Maggie Sue Dickson (the maid).

There aren't many NPCs in the game, I try to limit them as much as possible. I don't use them very often. I do need to create some new ones, as some seem to have been lost somehow...

Francois Lambert registered as a self-employed repairman this round. He needs to be doing something with his life.

Living with Prude as a neighbour isn't easy, but the room is very comfortable, so Francois puts up with her.

* * *

Vanna Little got promoted (from teacher's aide to substitute teacher) and decided to celebrate with her boyfriend, Micah Brown.

They decide that with this promotion, and Micah's salary as a bed pan cleaner, they have enough income to get married.
So Vanna pops the question - and Micah is over the moon.

They waste no time on being engaged.

Micah is now called Micah Little. 

* * *

In the Mack family, Holly Sue aged up wanting to be a psychic, so she goes to the new alchemy shop to apply for a job there (she had been working as an art appraiser, but there's really no future in that career).

She also fixed her wardrobe issues. No more emo haircut, either!

Holly Sue proposes as well, but unlike Micah and Vanna, they feel they're too young to get married just yet... (Where would they live? They both have a lot of siblings, and neither family has money to buy a house for them yet.)

Now the Mack family have a nice house that is big enough for all of them - but it's not very practical on the inside. So after a lot of trial and error, they decided to just take all the furniture out and gut the place.

They change the entire lay-out. They take out one of the downstairs bedrooms, so the living room is a bit larger now. They also change the lay-out upstairs, because the way it was, with two bathrooms at the front of the house, all the nicest windows had to be covered with blinds.

Now the beds are at the front, where there's the most light. And they still have a bathroom for the boys, and one for the girls. (And downstairs there's a shower room for the parents, and a toilet for the visitors.)
Hopefully they'll have some money to get rid of the generic furniture next round.

After all the redecorating they have very little money left. Hank decides to get a job at one of the local shops to help out.
Michael gets his first promotion that evening, so they're feeling a bit more hopeful about their future in this town.

* * *

Stacia McGovern decides to move in with her sister. She gives her elderly horse Barney to her son Raphael (Bernard), but she keeps her little elderly dog, Sheba.
Originally Stacia had two horses, but Thunder died recently. Barney will probably not live very long either, he's now well over 30.
Poor Stacia has to visit the catacombs to find her dead horse's grave.

She also finds her Uncle Joe's tombstone (he was the NPC who ran the bar at Matilda's Corner). She does find it a bit odd that nobody thought to notify her - not only is she the oldest living relative, but she actually *works* for Joe McGovern, as the bartender at Joe' Corner.

Aaron Wilson approaches her for a donation. "Is it for the third world?" No, apparently it is a political issue...

"There's a lot of dirty money in politics."
"You're preaching to the choir, sister!!"

Stacia and Constance rearrange the houseboat a little. Stacia now has a bedroom overlooking the ocean floor. Sleeping with the fishes, in a matter of speaking...

Stacia keeps her role job as the barmaid at her uncle Joe's bar. For now, Constance keeps her job as a fake psychic as well.
Stacia used to work as a psychic - if there were more role Sims around, she could maybe take that job again, and fill the place up a bit more.

In the meantime, Constance and Stacia's youngest brother, Trevor, just had a second grandchild. This time it's a boy, Collin McGovern.
(I don't think there was ever a birth announcement in the paper for his first grandchild either. Her name is Terry and she's about two.)

So now they need two cribs in the bedroom upstairs. (This is really not a good permanent sleeping arrangement for a baby!)

Margaret is only a week or so away from aging up to young adult, and she can't wait to get out of the house. It's just too crowded, and Ayana has been throwing out hints about needing a room for the children...
Margaret doesn't really feel very welcome at all. She spends a lot of time at local bars, with her father.

Margaret is turning into quite the pool shark - but most of her tricks could use a bit more finesse...