Monday, March 30, 2020

Doing it All - the great Wall of Text

I'm almost done with my quest to 'do it all' as far as possible in this world. Here is what I still need to do in this particular game:

The Singer profession
A professional Band

Death by Human Statue (magician)
Death by Shark

Master of Mysticism - Reach level 10 in the Fortune Teller career, mystic branch
Star News Anchor - Reach level 10 in the journalism career path
Vocal Legend - Reach level 10 in the singing profession

I'm attempting the Architectural Designer, Firefighter and Life Guard professions in rotation. I know those lifetime wishes don't work (the counters reset when you switch to another household) but I think Sims might still get to the top of those careers in a rotational game.

* * *

Just for my own amusement, I've copied what I've done so far. Like the title says: a huge wall of text.

This is what I've done in this particular game:

I've completed all the rabbithole careers now:
Acting/Actor - Raphael (McGovern) Bernard
Acting/Director - Dexter Adams
Art Appraiser/Acquisition (rebel) - Bernadette Kim
Art Appraiser/Appraisal (rebel) - Susannah (Thao) Fox
Business - Hui Young Kim
Criminal/Evil - Rosanna Harrell
Criminal/Thief - Matthew Younger
Culinary - Harmony Bernard
Education - Ginny (Fisk) Bernard
Fortune Teller/Mystic - Bianca (Harrell) Kim
Fortune Teller/Scam Artist - Constance McGovern
Journalism - Janelle (McGovern) Harrell
Law Enforcement/Special Agent - Francesca Adams
Law Enforcement/Forensic - Terra (Thao) Sommers
Medical - Yves Bernard
Military - Frederick Adams
Music/Symphonic - Victor Adams
Music/Rock - Trevor McGovern
Politics - Blake Samson
Professional Sports - Ho Sung Kim
Science - Daisy Adams
Sports Agent (jock) - Ernest Thao
Video Game Developer/Artist (nerd) - Bryan Fox
Video Game Developer/Engineer (nerd) - Carlton Fox

And all the part-time jobs:
Bookstore Clerk (Register, Sorter, Moderator) - Nathan Harrell
Grocery Clerk (Assessor, Designator, DJ) - Shawn Adams
Mausoleum Clerk (Burial, Overseer, Epitaph Writer) - Michael Adams
Spa Receptionist (Beverage, Intake, Ringer Up-er) - Sheila Harrell
Spa Specialist (Folder, Guard, Package Seller) - Lori Samson
Part Time Film (Commercial, TV, Teen Star) - Roger Adams

And most of the work-from-home professions:
Acrobat - Roger Adams
Alchemist - Gillian (Kim) McGovern
Angler - Yi Quan Kim
Gardener - Tracie (Bernard) Mendez
Ghost Hunter - Huan Chao Kim
Horseman - Raoul Mendez
Inventor - Yue Xiulan Adams
Investigator - Huan Chao Kim
Magician - Leonard Harrell
Nectar Maker - Dominic Mendez
Painter - Sun Young (Kim) Adams
Photographer - Daniel Harrell
Scuba Diver - Huan Chao Kim
Sculptor - Angelina Bundy
Stylist - Melanie (Sommers) Samson
Writer - Chen Adams

I've had Sims die in almost every way possible:
Old Age - Daisy Adams
Starvation/Cow Plant - Kelsey Harrell
Electrocution/Lightning - David Adams
Fire - Pablo Mendez
Mummy's Curse - Brandon Adams
Watery Grave (magician) - Leonard Harrell
Transmutation - Chen Adams
Jelly Bean - Xiu Ying Kim
Freezing - Jerome McGovern
Ranting - Angelina Bundy
Blunt Force Trauma - Terra (Thao) Sommers
Meteor - Collette (Bernard) Younger
Drowning/Door of Life and Death - Rosanna Harrell
Running Out of Air - Alexander Kim

I've had Sims complete almost all the possible lifetime wishes:
Alchemy Artisan-Reach Level 10 in Alchemy Skill and use 50 Elixirs - Gillian (Kim) McGovern
Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder-Leevel 9 in the science career - Jeannine (Lambert) Harrell
Become a Master Thief-Level 10 in the criminal career-thief path - Matthew Younger
Become a Superstar Athlete-Reach level 9 in the sports career - Ho Sung Kim
Become an Astronaut-Reach level 10 in the military career - Frederick Adams
Blog Artist-Reach level 10 in social networking, create 5 star blog - Janelle (McGovern) Harrell
Bottomless Nectar Cellar[/b]-Have at least 50 bottles worth 50,000 simoleons - Dominic Mendez
Celebrated Five-Star Chef-Reach level 10 in the culinary career - Harmony (Thao) Bernard
Celebrity Psychic-Level 10 in the Fortune Teller career, Scam artist path - Constance McGovern
CEO of a Mega-Corporation-Reach level 8 in the business career - Hui Young Kim
Chess Legend-Max logic and reach level 5 in pro chess - Russell Mendez
Deep Sea Diver-Max scuba skill and sell 40,000 simoleons worth of collectibles - Bernadette Kim
Descendant of da Vinci-Max painting, sculpting, and inventing - Yue Xiulan (Kim) Adams
Distinguished Director-Reach level 10 in the film career track (director branch) - Dexter Adams
Fashion Phenomenon-Make it to level 10 in the Stylist Profession - Melanie (Sommers) Samson
Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler-Level 10 in law, forensics path - Lori (Samson) Adams
Gold Digger-See the ghost of a rich dead spouse - Mena (Lufti) Mendez
Golden Tongue/Golden Fingers-Max charisma and guitar - Julien Bernard
Great Explorer-Fully explore 6 tombs in each travel destination - Shawn Adams
Heartbreaker-Sim must have 10 boyfriends or girlfriends - Layla Lufti
Hit Movie Composer-Reach level 10 in the music career path, symphonic path - Victor Adams
Illustrious Author-Master painting and writing - Elden Adams
International Super Spy-Reach level 10 in the law career, special agent path - Francesca Adams
Jack of All Trades-Reach level 5 of 4 different careers - Stacia McGovern
Leader of the Free World-Reach level 10 in the political career - Blake Samson
Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous-100,000 simoleons and Celebrity Rank 5 - Sheila (Harrell) Adams
Living in the Lap of Luxury-Family net worth of 263,000 simoleons - Judith Adams
Major Master-Earn 3 degrees - Bryan Fox
Martial Arts Master[/b]-Level 10 in martial arts and grand master - Colleen (Boucher) Mendez
Master Acrobat-Reach level 10 in the Acrobat Profession - Roger Adams
Master Magician-Reach level 10 in the Magician Profession - Leonard Harrell
Master Mixologist-Reach level 10 in Mixology and own a bar - Donovan Harrell
Master Romancer-Woohoo with 5 different Sims in 5 different places - Buddy McGovern
Master of the Arts-Master painting and guitar - Sun Young Adams
One Sim Band-Master guitar, bass, drums, and piano - Wu (Xio) Kim
Paranormal Profiteer-Reach level 10 in the ghost hunter career - Huan Chao Kim
Perfect Mind Perfect Body-Master logic and athletic - Danelle Thao
Perfect Student-Earn a Uni degree with a perfect GPA - Carlton Fox
Physical Perfection-Max athletic and martial arts skills - Samantha (Adams) Thao
Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium-Have 13 perfect fish in fish bowls - Ji Quan Kim
Private Museum-Have a current relic collection worth at least 20,000 simoleons - Sofia Harrell
Professional Author-Earn $4000 simoleans weekly in royalties - Chen Adams
Reach Max Influence with All Social Groups - Ginny (Fisk) Bernard
Renaissance Sim-Reach level 10 in 3 skills - Susannah (Thao) Fox
Rock Star-Reach level 10 in the music career, rock path - Trevor McGovern
Scientific Specialist-Level 10 science skill; level 10 science,medical,business - Christopher Sommers
Seasoned Traveler-Visa level 3 in all travel destinations - Alexander Kim
Street Credible-Reach level 10 of the street art skill, create 7 masterpiece murals - Gwendolyn Adams
Super Popular-20 friends - Kelsey Harrell
Superstar Actor-Reach level 10 in the film career, cacting path - Raphael (McGovern) Bernard
Surrounded by Family-Raise 5 babies to teens - Tom Thao
Swimming in Cash-Have 119,000 simoleons - Brandon Adams
The Animal Rescuer-Adopt 6 strays - Michael Adams
The Canine Companion-Befriend 15 dogs - Ernest Thao
The Cat Herder-Become friends with 15 cats - Lynsay (Mendez) Fox
The Culinary Librarian-Learn all cooking recipes - Jake Sommers
The Emperor of Evil-Reach level 10 in criminal career, evil path - Rosanna Harrell
The Fairy Tale Finder-Adopt a Unicorn - Timothy Thao
The Jockey-Reach level 10 riding skill - Raoul Mendez
The Perfect Garden-Grow 8 different kinds of perfect plants - Daisy Adams
The Tinkerer-Max logic and handiness - Xiu Ying Kim
The Zoologist-Collect 20 minor animals - Bianca (Harrell) Kim
Visionary-Reach level 10 in painting and photography - Daniel Harrell
World Renowned Surgeon-Reach level 10 in the medical career - Colette (Bernard) Younger
World-Class Gallery-10 photos from China,Egypt,France, worth 25,000 - Alexandra (Fox) Kim

One wish was broken:
The Ark Builder-Have 2 each of cats, dogs, horses, birds, lizards, turtles, rodents, snakes, butterflies, and beetles
I tried this wish four times, in different ways, but it never worked.

Bryan Fox completed six degrees:
Fine Arts
Physical Education
Science and Medicine

* * *

In another game (not Adams Legacy related), I have completed these professions and careers that I couldn't make work in a non-supernatural world played rotational style.

Architectural Designer
Self-Employed Bot Builder

Plumbot Arena/Mechanic
Plumbot Arena/Official
Astronomy/Space Explorer
Alien Test Subject (Probe Tester, Specimen, Organ Farm)

Ambitions wishes with resetting counters:
Firefighter Super Hero-Save 30 Lives on the Job as a Firefighter
Home Design Hotshot-Achieve 100 top reviews as an Architectural Designer
Pervasive Private Eye-Solve 35 Cases as a Private Investigator
Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law-Possess 50,000 simoleons worth of stolen goods
Monster Maker-Create 3 monsters

Supernatural wishes:
Greener Gardens-Reach level 10 in Gardening, and use Bloom 100 times (fairy)
Leader of the Pack -Turn 5 Sims into Werewolves, Collect 40,000 Hunting with a Pack (werewolf)
Magic Makeover-Cast inner beauty on 12 sims and reach level 10 in charisma (fairy)
Mystic Healer-Cure 12 Transformed Sims (witch)
Turn the Town-Drink from 20 Sims and turn 5 into Vampires (vampire)
Zombie Master-Create 10 Zombies using Reanimation Ritual or Potent Zombification Elixir (witch)

Island Paradise wishes:
Grand Explorer-Discover all 8 hidden islands
Resort Empire-Own a 5-star resort and make a 40,000 simoleon profit from your resort
Seaside Savior-Rescue 50 drowning Sims as a lifeguard

Into the Future wishes:
High Tech Collector-Level 10 Advanced Tech; Windcarver, Dream Pod, Food Synthesizer, Holo Disk, Jet Pack
Made the Most of my Time-Experience all alternate futures and be honored with a Legacy Statue
More than a Machine-Reach level 10 in Bot Building and give a Plumbot sentience

I had these types of death in the supernatural futuristic game:
Thirst (vampire)
Haunting Curse (witch)
Dehydration (mermaid)
Falling from the Sky (future)
Time Anomaly (future)

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