Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I discovered Colette was about to age up to teenager, and I really hadn't played the Bernard family yet. Things are definitely too fast for me at this age length, so I ended up changing it after all. Not too outrageously - it's now 480 days instead of 300.

Yves Bernard is now in the medical career. Harmony is still working her way up in the cullinary career. She's a sous-chef now.

Colette is going to age up in two days, but I gave her some new clothes anyway.

Yves starts to work on his 'Master of the Arts' lifetime wish. His first picture is... ehrm... "interesting".

In the meantime the McGovern girls have also aged up to teenager, and Timothy Thao is now a young adult.

Colette has her birthday on Monday - she's not too thrilled with the sudden hormone rush, apparently:

She immediately buys herself a new outfit. Naturally.

In the meantime, Julien Bernard has worked his way up to orchestra member.

They've almost finished redecorating the barracks with a recording studio. There's a small TV studio (the actual rabbithole is in the basement) and a recording studio.

Chen Adams moved to the other end of the compound.

Thanks to a fellow N99-er, who fixed the routing problems for me (thanks, Karen!), this house is finally playable. And since it isn't on a slope, it's much easer to place Angelina's sculpting station.
She also reconnected a few broken roads and found a few other stray spots of routing paint that shouldn't be there - so the game never played smoother!

(I've been trying for months to get CAW to work, but it just doesn't work well with my computer... I guess that means I'll end up buying Windows 7 and trying Bootcamp.)

Next up is the Harrell families. Bianca managed to age up while I wasn't looking (makes sense, she's about two days younger than Colette), so I have to fix her... I saw her walking around in town and she looked so awful that I didn't even take a picture of her. LOL!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

And more Adams

In the meantime I checked out the newer version of Winchester Farming, which came out while I was fixing this (base game) version. The new version has more lots for the recent EPs.
However, many of the houses that I love, including the Adams house and the military compound with its cute little houses are gone. 
I'm not all that interested in having cat jungles and dog parks, but I did save all the lots that I really like, though, so this Winchester will have some changes, too.

For now, the "other Adams' families" are still in their old lot, I would hate to abandon the old 'military compound' - the houses are just too cute.

The new version has the 3-in-1 rabbithole object instead of the town hall, so the baracks and the compound were no longer needed. I rather prefer the old small town hall 'shell' - if I want, I can always stick more than one rabbithole rug in the basement to make it 'multi-purpose'. The new buildings seem to be designed to fit in with the Appaloosa Plains rabbitholes.

Meanwhile, Michael has already grown into a child - I hardly played him as a toddler... Still, I don't really want to make the life span any longer, I do want to get ahead.

Michael now has a new loft bed, to save some floorspace in his little bedroom.

Meanwhile Angelina is still sculpting.

Ice sculptures are really cool. :)

This is the Adams/Bundy house.

Victor and Chen are working on renovating the old barracks. Since there is no active military on the island, they want to turn the building into a recording studio for their local news as well as Victor's music.

They have also decided to have a small movie theatre in the basement.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Brandon joined the business career - for want of any clear choice. Judith is back in the education career, like she used to be. I hope she'll do better now that the school is accessible again and they won't fire her for not showing up...

Gwendolyn Adams turned into a toddler with her mother's black hair. (The 300-day lifespan is a lot shorter than what I've grown used to playing my EA towns...)

She looks a lot like Michael - who is, I guess, her second cousin? (Michael's grandfather is Gwendolyn's Uncle Victor...)
Her parents try to teach her what they can - they don't have money for toddler books or toys, but at least they can teach her the basics.

Gwendolyn thinks the concept of 'talking' is much overrated.

She does like walking.

At some point, though, she does seem to realise it's a good thing to be able to tell her parents that she's really, really tired...

Dexter went on a field trip and brought home a poster:

And somewhere in the middle of the week his friend Yue Xiulan Kim calls to invite him to the prom. So I played the family longer than I should have, to give the kids a chance to go to the dance.

Yue seems to think the flowers are a bit off...

And Dexter doesn't quite understand how to get into the limo:

But he does have a good time - he's crownd Prom King and Yue wants to go steady and even kisses him... Awwww...

She's not the girlfriend I would have picked for him, but if he's happy, I'm happy. At least she has interesting genes.
(I was right about Yue Xiulan - she didn't age up as pretty as her sister.)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Getting Started - Part II...

Jerome and Malinda McGovern

Jerome and Malinda still have the same job - Jerome is a paramedic, and Malinda works in the business office.

Stacia has grown up, and she joined the athletics career. She'll probably switch soon enough, she wants to be a Jack of All Trades.

Little Trevor has aged up, too, he's now going to school with his sisters.

I wish they'd taken their trailers with them from Mesa Valley. That ot suited them better.

Pablo Mendez

Nothing to report here - I just wanted to share a picture of him, because I realize I didn't have one before. But even that didn't work out well.

I don't know who made him originally, he was in my bin and the game used him for NPC. I just took him and made him Russell's brother, because I like his look. 

He is currently mooching off his brother and sister-in-law, as there's no money to put him in a house of his own.

Russell and Regina Mendez

Dominic and Colleen moved out soon after the new start. I think Russell and Regina will need a little time to get used to being alone again…

They do look cute together.

Dominic Mendez and Colleen Boucher

Colleen aged up family oriented, flirty (which she already was - I found most babysitters are both), vegetarian, charismatic and disciplined. Now she wants to be a martial arts master.

Dominic was already friendly and a couch potato, and loved the outdoors, but now he's also eco-friendly, and a snob. He wants to have a bottomless nectar cellar (only the best nectars, naturally).

I thought he'd be a redhead, like his mother, but he has random game-created brownish hair. He does have Regina's eyes.

Their new house is very tiny, but it will be enough for now. For the time being I'm not going to let anyone have babies. I want to figure out generation 5 before adding to generation 6.

Melanie Sommers and Blake Samson

Blake was a cute babysitter, but aging up didn't do him any favors… Although with a beard, his long chin doesn't look so bad any more.
Besides, he's got a good sense of humor, and that always helps. He's also friendly, family-oriented, handy and a natural cook. So Melanie is a pretty lucky girl!

Melanie herself is childish, a coward, easily impressed and friendly. She also loves the outdoors. She wants to be a fashion phenomenon, while Blake wants to be surrounded by family. I had Melanie join the stylist profession. Blake started work in the restaurant. He was in the music career, but that doesn't really make sense, since he doesn't even play an instrument.

Terra and Jake Sommers

Christopher still lives with his parents. He is a loner who hates the outdoors. He's also charismatic, a couch potato, and a genius.

He's currently working as a test subject in the science building.

Terra and Jake are about halfway up the career ladder. I haven't played them often enough, I guess.

For now, Christopher uses the two ground floor bedrooms as a study and a bedroom, and he's quite happy. It's like having a little apartment inside his parents' house.

Johanthan and Lucia Thao

I have to admit I adore Susannah Thao. 

Susannah is easily impressed, a technophobe and a genius.

Jonathan is a professional blogger, and Lucia still works in the science career. She's a carnivorous plant tender now.

Samantha and Tom Thao

Samantha and Tom also chose a very large house, so that they could continue to live with Jeremy, Danelle and Timothy.

I noticed that Jeremy and Jonathan still look very much alike. Jonathan has purple eyes, though, and Jeremy has darker skin. The difference in hair color is due to the meshes. If I give them the same hair, they have the exact same color.

Jeremy is still a traffic cop. Abbie is in the minor league in the sports career.

Timothy wants to be a Jack of All Trades when he grows up. He's a loner, clumsy, never nude and a light sleeper. Possibly the most useless set of traits I've seen so far…

Samantha got up to starter in the sports career before she retired, while Tom was a city council member.

Tom is now the oldest resident. He's 265 days old, and my lifespan is once again set to 300. Samantha is only a day younger, though.

So everyone is now settled in on Winchester Island.

Getting Started Again...

I didn't quite have the same cc when I restarted. Lots of new Store sets and not as many individual hairs and clothes, for one thing.
So many residents ended up wearing the wrong clothes. Also, a lot of people had aged up between the last time I took pictures and the re-start now. I decided to just circulate by alphabet from now on, and first fix everyone, find out a few traits, get them the right jobs...

Brandon and Judith Adams

Soon after the move to Winchester, Dexter Adams becomes a teenager. His traits are now: artistic, neurotic, good, and 'loves the outdoors'.
Dexter's lifetime wish is to become a 'home design hotshot'.

Meanwhile Judith has been wanting another baby, and the day after Dexter's birthday she finds out she's pregnant.

Judith and Brandon need jobs, so Brandon joins the music career and Judith becomes a teacher. And gets herself a new dress once the baby is born.

The baby is a girl: Gwendolyn. She's good and excitable. She's the first Sim born on Winchester Island.

Chen Adams and Angelina Bundy

Michael becomes a toddler. He's good, and a light sleeper. And adorable!

Angelina is already registered as a sculptor. Chen is a writer. It's a good thing they live in a tiny house, as they don't really earn enough to keep pixel and soul together...

Victor and Sun Young Adams

Sun Young completes her lifetime wish of becoming a "Master of the Arts". Victor is still working on his career as a hit movie composer.

* * *

Harmony and Yves Bernard

I noticed Yves has some wrinkles now that he's a full adult. He also got himself a new sweater, which is high time after all these years.

Collette is friendly, a light sleeper and a mooch. 
(She's probably very good at mooching - I think she looks irresistible).

She was also failing school - she claims the problem is with the school, not with the kids, so that's something that needs to be sorted.

Yves has worked his way up to paramedic. Harmony is still in the culinary career, she's now a line cook.

Julien Bernard and Ginny Fisk

Julien really needed a make-over. He still has that sullen look - nothing anyone can do about it short of plastic surgery. But I think his hair looks better now.

He wants to be a hit movie composer as well, just like Victor Adams.

Ginny is a former babysitter,  made by the game using Sims from my library - which is why she doesn't have the standard 'NPC-face'. 
She aged up to young adult now. She was never very pretty, but now she looks really pinched and 'old. On the other hand, I'm tired of the same old face for all my NPCs, so I'm happy with her. Plus, she has freckles. Always a bonus. This picture isn't half bad, she usually looks like she's just been ill for a year or two…

She aged up with the wish to be 'surrounded by family', and started working in Education.

Daniel and Sofia Harrell

Today is Rosanna's birthday - she ages up into a light sleeper, schmoozer, evil genius couch potato. Her lifetime wish is to become a chess legend. She took a job in the business career.

Bianca is clumsy, never nude and loves the outdoors.

Sofia works as a lab tech, but really wants to own a private museum filled with relics.

Daniel still wants to be a visionary, and still has the Hikon camera his father bought him for his teenage birthday. He was working as a report processor in the business career, but I made him register himself as a professional photographer.

Nathan and Abbie Harrell

Kelsey Harrell still lives with her second son Nathan, his wife Abbie and their son Leonard. Leonard is a teenager now. His traits are over-emotional, brave, good and heavy sleeper. Leonard wants to be a fire fighter super hero and save lives.

Kelsey retired when she turned elder a few days after her arrival. She was a sketch artist (level 8 in the forensic police career) and now enjoys her pension. She also got herself a whole new wardrobe, of course.

Abbie works in the bistro, as an ingredient taster, while Nathan has just registered himself as a writer.

Ho Sung and Hui Young Kim

The girls aged up to teenagers soon after arrival, too.

Xiu Ying aged up loner, disciplined, handy and athletic, and decides she wants to achieve physical perfection by mastering both athletics and martial arts.
Her sister Yue Xiulan aged up loner, perfectionist, daredevil and athletic, and wants to become a superspy.

In the meantime Huan Chao enjoys being the baby of the family. He loves the outdoors, but he also loves lounging on the sofa. Ideally, he'd like to have an outdoor television set with a rainproof, sheltered sofa - and he's just eccentric enough to invent one, one of these days.

The girls want to change their room and remove some of the 'baby stuff', but so far all they've done all day is test the school house rugs - since they weren't able to get in. (That explains all the F's I suppose - it's not just an excuse Colette dreamed up...)

Ho Sung is a team captain in the sports career, while Hui Young worked herself up to CEO of the local business company. She has now achieved her lifetime wish, but she's determined to take it two steps further now and reach the top. She's so close!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Cottages

Back at the Mendez house - if you go the other way, there's another street ending in a courtyard with cottages.

Yi Quan, Wu and Gillian Kim live halfway that street.

* * *

Kelsey Harrell and her family (Nathan, Abbie and Leonard) moved into one of the houses at the end of the road. The house is built on a fairly steep hill.

* * *

And the Kim family (Ho Sung, Hui Young, Yue Xiulian, Xiu Ying and Huan Chao) moved into the second house on that hill.

The third lot is empty.

* * *

The second branch of that same street also ends in a dead end. Julien Bernard and his girlfriend Ginny Fisk have a house there.

Ginny was an NPC in Mesa Valey. She has quite an interesting face. And so does Julien, actually...

* * *

On the other side of the street is a large house. This is where Samantha and Tom Thao live, with Jonathan, Danelle and Timothy.

Tom and Samantha are the only elders on the island (although Kelsey is getting close). Along with Victor, they're the only Sims who were actually born in Fort Sim and who have survived both moves alive.

So that's fourteen families in total. And they're all in proper homes now, so let's see what life has in store for them from this moment on!