Thursday, November 26, 2015

Adams: Another wedding, some babies and another funeral...

In the meantime Roger Adams married Sheila Harrell. She's also some sort of cousin of his - her great-grandfather is his great-great-grandfather. No idea how to call that relationship, but it's not very close anyway...

Sheila wants to live the Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous. Preferably without doing any of the work... She's a production manager and works for Dexter at the film studio (which is currently literally a hole in the wall somewhere!)

Roger is still perfecting his acrobat skills.

It doesn't take him long to get up to level 10. So that's another Lifetime Wish out of the way (and a profession completed as well).

In the meantime Lori discovers she is pregnant.

Their first child is a son. They call him Benjamin. She doesn't seem to be happy about it - or maybe she just doesn't like her new sister-in-law...

Benjamin soon ages up to an adorable (and again, red-haired) toddler.

* * *

Down the street, Michael and Layla also have a baby: a daughter named Nicola.

She has blonde hair, like her grandmother. Michael can only hope that is the *only* thing she inherited!

One of the reasons Michael moved out of the house and into a barn across the street, was that he was very tired of living with his insane mother, Angelina Bundy. Their relationship was at an all-time low. Angelina was always a bit odd, but after Chen's death, she took it to the next level and started ranting in the streets.

She ranted day and night - mostly about death, and how unfair Grim was, and how much she hated the sight of him...

She regularly visited the graveyard. Maybe she felt that this way she's closer to Grim so he can hear her abuse him.
And of course, she's right. Grim gets fed up with her ravings, and firmly tells her to shut up, or else...

Grim warned her to shut up, and told her if she insulted him one more time, he'd take her to the underworld with him.

And of course she did not listen.

So Grim decides to put a stop to it once and for all.

That's another pretty ghost for the local graveyard!

So now Michael is an orphan. Angelina didn't even get to meet her second granddaughter, Nena.

Angelina and Chen had a huge house, and even before Angelina died she had invited some of the elderly to live with her (mainly to get cheap labour for her garden, it would appear).

After her death, the house doesn't go to her son Michael, but she leaves it to the Chen Adams Foundation for the Elderly. It's now a Retirement Home. (Since there were already so many senior citizens living there temporarily, I thought I'd make it a permanent feature.)

Victor and Sun Young, Michaels grandparents, are residents there, along with four other couples and two single Sims.

* * *

In other Adams family news:

Lori and Shawn had another son. His name is Walter.

Judith moved in with her daughter Gwendolyn, who lived alone since her last roommate moved out.
Gwendolyn is still working as an Art Appraiser, in the 'acquisition' branch. In other words, she's learning to become an art forger.

Judith is now an elder. She's waiting for a vacancy in the Retirement Home, but at the moment they're more than full.

And that's where the Adams family is at the moment. Their latest accomplishments:

Yue Xiulan Adams: Descendant of DaVinci and level 10 in the Inventor profession.
Roger Adams: Master Acrobat, level 10 in the Acrobat profession.
Shawn Adams: Great Explorer.

It looks like Benjamin might be the next Adams heir.

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