Friday, November 27, 2015

The rest of the town...

The Harrell family are the descendants of Kelsey Harrell and her husband Wesley.

They had three children: Daniel, Nathan, and Lucia (now Lucia Thao).

Daniel has two daughters. Bianca is married to Huan Chao Kim - so more about her later. Her elder sister Rosanna recently married Constance McGovern.

Rosanna is a criminal mastermind, working her way up to Empress of Evil.

Here she is after getting her final promotion:

She sometimes emits this evil red glow... Not like she's trying to hide her evil nature, then?

Nathan Harrell had one son, Leonard. Leonard worked very hard to become a master magician. He got to a level high enough to be allowed to work with the 'box of danger'.
Unfortunately he made an error when performing the 'watery grave' illusion - and all of a sudden, the illusion became all too real.

So Janelle is a widow now. She continues to live in the same house as her in-laws, and so does her son Donovan.

And here is Kelsey herself - meeting up with her gold digger husband after he got killed off by his gold digger wife... If you ask me, she's looking more than a little smug about it. What goes around comes around, and all that!!

"So, you got killed by your golddigger spouse, did you? I think I know how THAT feels!!"

This is what the Harrell family accomplished so far:

Kelsey Harrell: Super Popular.
Daniel Harrell: Visionary and level 10 Photographer profession.
Sofia Harrell: Private Museum.
Rosanna Harrell: The Emperor of Evil, level 10 Criminal/Evil.
Janelle Harrell: Blog Artist.
Leonard Harrell: Master Magician, level 10 Magican profession.

Nathan Harrell managed to complete the part-time Bookstore Clerk career as a teenager.

* * *

Jerome and Malika McGovern had four kids in total. Stacia, Janelle, Constance and Trevor. Only Trevor stayed in the same house as his parents.
He married Gillian Kim and they have two children: Buddy and Margaret. He's working on becoming a Rock Star.

Jerome got himself killed when he froze to death building snowmen on the beach.

Malika died of old age soon after. She's quite "zen" about the idea of death, though.

* * *

The Kim family came over when Sun Young Adams (formerly Kim) invited her brother Ho Sung and his wife Hui Young  to move in with them. They had four kids in total:

Yi Quan was born in Shang Simla, and went back there to find a wife, Wu Xio. Their daughter Gillian married Trevor McGovern and has two children.
Yue Xiulan married Dexter Adams.
Xiu Ying completed her Tinkerer LTW, but then died of eating a bad jellybean. Ho Sung died of old age while mourning at her grave. He was a Superstar Athlete at the time of his death.
Huan Chao went on to marry Bianca. Their children are Alexander and the twins (again) Bernadette and Christal.

Hui Young Kim completed her LTW of becoming the CEO of a Mega Corporation, and now that she's a widow, she lives with Huan Chao and his family.

Here is their list of LTWs and careers accomplished:

Ho Sung Kim: Become a Superstar Athlete and he actually completed the Sports career to level 10.
Hui Young Kim: CEO of a Mega Corporation and level 10 in Business.
Yi Quan Kim: Private Aquarium and level 10 in the Angler profession.
Wu Kim: One Sim Band.
Xiu Ying Kim: The Tinkerer
Huan Chao Kim: Paranormal Profiteer, level 10 in the Ghost Hunter profession.
Bianca Kim: The Zoologist.
Gillian McGovern (born Kim): Alchemy Artisan.

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And then there's Mena Mendez (born Lufti), who still lives with her daughter Lynsay. The Mendez family don't feel she's one of theirs, but her sisters Layla and Aisha aren't keen to have her around either.

Like her half-brother Raphael, Lynsay looks like Pablo. Her lifetime wish is to be a cat herder. She has two cats already, and is hoping to be able to adopt some more.

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So that's about everyone... Give or take a few stragglers who may or may not become permanent residents.
I've already played all the Adams family households, so I'll be going through the families in alphabetical order again, and I'll update them as I go...

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