Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daisy's second chance - and love is in the air

The next day Daisy takes Samantha on a fishing trip:

She has a lot of fun.

And she's even prouder than Samantha herself when Samantha catches her first salmon:

After that day, they regularly go fishing together, and Daisy is really enjoying her second chance.

* * *

Meanwhile Frederick decides he needs to work on his handiness. He goes around repairing and upgrading everything in the house, but he's very careful not to make the same mistake that cost his father his life!

He makes sure that he showers first and rests up whenever he gets singed. Which is less and less often, of course.

* * *

Elden got tired of writing and decided to concentrate on painting for a while. He paints, and paints, and paints... very often at night, when everyone else is asleep...

Nerdy 'computer whiz' is still his favourite style:

Pretty soon he acchieves his lifetime wish - level 10 in both painting and writing. He's now an "Illustrious Author".

* * *

Now that his writing career is taking off, though, Elden realises that this busy household is maybe not the best place for him. He is a loner, after all. And he's not getting any younger. The two teenagers and their friends are very noisy at times.

So he decides to look for a new house.

He finds the perfect little cabin, not too far from the house, but without any direct neighbours.

It's very compact, but he will have his own shower, his own bed, and his own kitchen for the first time in his life. He's very excited.

Daisy helps him by upgrading all his plumbing to non-breakable (remember, Elden is NOT good in a plumbing crisis!), and she fireproofs his stove for him.

(Daisy has the 'inappropriate, but in a good way' reward - so Elden doesn't kick her out of the house for tinkering with his stuff! Sims can be so impolite that way - calling someone 'inappropriate' for helping them out!)

Elden loves his new garden, and he immediately starts working on a masterpiece for his walls.

* * *

Meanwhile, back at the main house, Francesca is getting better at rummaging through the trash, althoug it still makes her nervous, and she keeps looking over her shoulder.

She writes long reports on everybody in Fort Sim. Pretty soon she gets promoted to 'triple agent'.

(Her ultimate goal is to become a super-spy...)

* * *

Both kids have started dating now, and it looks serious for both of them.

Jesse's found a girlfriend who lives two blocks away, with her parents. Her name is Corey. She hates the outdoors, is artistic, a natural cook and a slob. Her parents are game-created immigrants.

Samantha has a boyfriend named Tom Thao, who is flirty, a hopeless romantic, family-oriented and charismatic. He's a babysitter.

(Because I feared more NPC aging glitches, I had Samantha break up, but I got hit by the WA bug that won't let Sims get new relationships when they've broken up with someone. No matter how much I tried (even cheated), Samantha couldn't get another boyfriend when she'd broken up with Tom, so I went back to the old save.)

* * *

Jesse aged up to young adult, and ended up with the 'neat' trait. He immediately called Corey, but she was still a teenager, so her parents wouldn't let her go out with him any more.

Jesse is a bit upset about Corey's parents' attitude, and he seems to be taking it out on his poor sister.

Now that he's a young adult, he thinks he has the right to boss his sister around and comment on the food she's eating. However, Samantha completely ignores him and goes on eating her cereal while he goes on and on about vegetables and vitamins.

Jesse's new LTW is 'Renaissance Sim' (mastering three different skills). He decides to join the music career. Maybe writing a lot of sad songs will help him get over Corey.

* * *

And in the meantime Francesca got another undercover job. This time it has to do with the local diner, so she dresses like a vegetable slicer for the next few days.

* * *

After a few days and many, many sad songs, Jesse has decided he can't forget Corey, and he starts visiting her house again. He desperately tries to convince her parents that he can make their daughter happy. His prospective mother-in-law makes him very nervous, though.

Finally it's Corey's birthday. She's an adult now, too, and her parents can't keep her from dating who she wants now! And she wants to date Jesse.

Jesse loses no time proposing to her:

Corey is very excited. Look at that big diamond!!

Of course she says yes!!

1 comment:

  1. Though I knew she'd be safe, I still had a panic attack at seeing Daisy go!
    (I try to not *squeeeeee* out of loud at each Elden's picture, but I squee in silence...)
