Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The next generation

Somehow, somewhere, David had turned into an adult, and in fact, the day after the boys' aged up to teenager, he became an elder. Daisy was still a young adult at this point.

David was at level 8 of his career when he aged up. The next day, I had him go to work and he got promoted to level 9. I decided to let him keep on working until he got to the top of the career.

The boys' highschool years were not very eventful. They did their homework, Elden painted and started writing, Frederick started working out.

After a while, Frederick started dating a girl he met in school. Her name was Francesca, and she worked as a babysitter.

They were soon going steady, and Francesca was there when Daisy had her birthday and turned adult. (She's right at the front, wearing a grey sweater.)

Daisy didn't look too happy - I wonder whether it was because of her own aging, or because of her grey-haired husband doing a weird dance (remember, Daisy has no sense of humour, so she couldn't see anything funny about it...)

Daisy was doing well in her job. David was also still working, despite being an elder. (Even though by now he was actually much too old to be sent into space anyway... But David was not about to give up on his astronaut dream - and at level 9 he was already soooo close!)

In the meantime, they had managed to get the ground floor of the house furnished.

Elden was usually found on the computer, just below the stairs. He still had to share his puny little bedroom with his brother, and there wasn't room for a desk up there.

Somewhere during their teenage years the boys started having random LTW wishes. I ended up locking 'illustrious author' for Elden (it came up more than once, he was very persistent).

I also accidentally locked 'astronaut' for Frederick. I hadn't meant to lock that one, since David already had it - but I clicked wrong by accident, so he was stuck with it - or at least until he had enough points to be able to change it.

* * *

Pretty soon the boys had yet another birthday ('normal' lifespan is really too fast for me...) and this time Frederick aged up in his PJs again.

Elden did better. He aged up in a sweater that suited him so well that he felt he could probably spend the rest of his life in it.

(He did have to change his pants and shoes, though. Shorts and sandals don't go well with knitted sweaters!)

When the boys aged up, I did three random rolls for their last trait, and picked the one I thought was most suitable.
For Elden, one of the three was 'computer whiz' - and since he spent most of his teenage years at that computer, it seemed only natural.
Frederick's best trait out of three was 'genius'.

Elden, of course, still spent all his time at the family computer, writing books:

One day he had an accident with the plumbing. But instead of staying calm and calling the repairman, he just jumped up and down tearing at his hair. Very unhelpful.
In fact, he continued to be absolutely worthless in any crisis. His idea of dealing with a leak was to stare at the puddle until he was too sleepy to stand up. Not very helpful.

Fortunately Frederick had joined the millitary career and had started to work on his handiness skills:

(Darn it, Elden! Don't just stand there looking stupid! Find a mop or something!)

* * *

Frederick did very well in his career. He soon got promoted, and decided it was time to settle down. He found Francesca had also aged up, so he asked her to marry him:

Of course she accepted:

A few days after the proposal, Frederick and Francesca had a private wedding - in the park.

It wasn't until after the wedding, when Francesca moved in, that she was diagnosed with the dreaded "NPC aging bug" - she completely skipped the young adult stage and was an adult now, years older than Frederick!
However, there wasn't much they could do about it.

After Francesca moved in, they ran out of room. They really didn't want to split up, but there was no room to add on an extra room (besides, Fort Sim authorities won't allow the uniformity of the millitary housing to be broken!)

So in the end David and Daisy moved to the boys' old bedroom (and to separate beds) while Francesca and Frederick got the master bedroom.

Elden had to sleep on the sofa.

Frederic and Francesca lost no time trying for a baby - after all, Francesca was already an adult. After a few tries, she got pregnant.
(And they had NO idea where to put the crib - they ended up selling the dresser to make room...)

* * *

David was doing very well in his job, but he needed some more handiness. I sent him to repair a few things, but I didn't really pay attention to him. Apparently, he'd tried to repair the stove, and gotten singed. And because repairing the dishwasher was in his queue, he did just that...

And so he got electrocuted for the second time in a row, and this time, of course, it was fatal.

Grim showed up to claim him:

And decided to clean up the mess in the kitchen while he had nothing better to do anyway - maybe he felt guilty because now there was nobody to repair that dishwasher?

Poor David. So close to the end of his career, and so close to seeing his first grandchild!

Francesca is still in mourning when baby Jesse is born.

But at least the new baby brought some joy back into their lives. Since Elden was the only one who did not have a job to go to, he was the one who spent most of his time teaching Jesse when he became a toddler:

In fact, Jesse's relationship with his Uncle Elden was much better than with his parents or his grandmother, who were always out.
Frederick tried to remedy this by spending an entire evening teaching Jesse to talk.

He doesn't quite know how to talk to babies, though. I'm not sure whether he is explaining the stock market or just the general idea of graphs?

Anyway, it did help with their relationship. And in fact, Frederick discovered he liked kids so much that he really wanted to have another.

Francesca soon got the wish to have another baby as well (like most babysitters, she is family-oriented). So, now that they both wished it, I decided to let them try. And it worked. :)
This time, it's a girl: Samantha.

There really is no room for that second crib. In the end they sell the dresser in Daisy's room. The crib blocks one of the beds in this position - but Daisy only needs the one bed anyway.


  1. *squeeeee* at Elden. Indeed, he could spend his whole life with this sweater! *lol*
    It's really great to see how the two brothers have developped their own personalities.

  2. NO!!! David!!! I was sad to see that he died before becoming an astronaut or meeting his grandchildren D: The twins are settling into adulthood nicely tho, so that's good to see
