Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daisy gets old - and the kids grow up

Soon after the birth of her second grandchild, Daisy seems to realise she's actually getting old. In fact, it's time for her last birthday:

Like David before her, Daisy is also very near the top of her career. So she's not about to retire either. (Notice she's also not happy about her new clothes!)

Daisy is a creature-robot cross breeder at this point. She's working very hard to get that last promotion and become a mad scientist.
In fact, she works so much that she almost doesn't notice her grandchildren are growing up.

Very soon (too soon - the "normal" lifespan is really too short) both the children have a birthday. Jesse grows up first. He now has to go to school:

Samantha ages into an adorable little toddler.

Jesse really looks a lot like his father!

This fixes some of the sleeping problems. Jesse can now use David's old bed, while Samantha can use Jesse's old crib in their parents' bedroom. The second crib is sold, the dresser is put back, and everyone fits again.
Except Elden, of course, who still sleeps on the sofa.

* * *

When Daisy isn't working at the science center, she's busy in her garden:

She received a life fruit at work. She's heard that it has very special properties, and might even help Francesca with her weird NPC-aging-disease.
So she's very happy when all her work pays of and she can harvest her first life fruits.

Daisy got her final promotion - she's now a mad scientist.

She keeps the best life fruit for planting, but gives the others to her daughter-in-law. She doesn't really want to cheat for herself, but Francesca deserves a break after having skipped her entire young adulthood!
Francesca manages to gain six full days of life from from the two fruits. (So that's six years, on their lifespan.)

(Francesca had some help: I put the lifespan on 'short', had her eat the fruits, gaining two days, and then put the lifespan back on 'normal', and the two day loss translated to six days.)

One of Daisy's collegues (a woman named Shelby) has heard about the life fruit, as well as the death flower. I don't know which one she came to ask for, but whatever it was, she's too late and dies on the doorstep!

With Jesse sleeping with his grandmother, Samantha in her parents' bedroom and Elden still on the sofa, the family has to face the fact that they have really outgrown their little home. And with three salaries and the sale of Elden's books and paintings, they should have enough money saved to buy a larger house.

This is the house they finally decide on.

And they lose no time moving - even though they haven't got enough money to actually furnish the house!

The first few days they have no money for beds. Daisy sleeps at the gym, and so does Frederick. Francesca sleeps at work, in a jail cell. It's not very good for her performance at work, though.

They do sell some of the plumbing that came with the house, so they can buy a dining table and one chair - since Elden has a laptop, he can sit at the table to finish his next novel, which ought to bring in a little money.

The next day they can buy a double bed and one single. And then they're out of money again. So for the time being, Daisy has to keep working. At least until they have money for furniture!


  1. *lol* @ selling the dresser to make room for the cribs! :D
    The kids are adorable. It's true Jesse really looks like his dad! How cute!

  2. Congrats to Daisy!! The outside of the "fort" looks very pretty, I wasn't expecting that at all :O And poor Elden, still stuck on the sofa lol hopefully he'll get a proper bed!
