Monday, January 18, 2016

Slowing down... again...

I realised that once again the game was faster than I like to play. So I once again altered the life span, it's now 15 days = 1 year. So that's 1275 days. 
I think every time my population increases, there comes a time when I can't keep up, and I don't like that. This probably won't be the last change.

In any case, the Adams family has broken up again. Roger and Sheila have finally moved out of the house.
They found a very nice, very modern (for Winchester, anyway) beach house.

The only Adams still actively working on something is Layla. She is a TV-actress now, and she's been seen around town handing out flyers for her new show.

Benjamin is a teenager now.

He does look positively evil with those eyebrows, but he's actually not so bad. For a teen. He rolled a few possible Lifetime Wishes, and I settled on 'One Sim Band'. It's something Wu Kim has done already, but I'm hoping Benjamin can help me understand the 'band' profession when he's a bit older.

* * *

The Bernard family were up next. Like Layla Adams, Raphael is in the acting career. He's still at a fairly low level, though - at the moment he's a key grip.

They finally had money to buy a crib for Alphonse.

Financially they're doing a bit better. Not enough to justify them moving to a better house, but they seem to be able to live in this one without running into debt.

Their horse Brandy keeps getting stuck in weird places. And this explains why - she's apparently a secret drinker!!

(I guess that's what you get when you name a horse Brandy?)

* * *

The Fox family were so rich it was almost silly. They'd had to move out of their big home because it was too large and too expensive. And now that they live cheaper, they've been saving enough money to buy the largest available home in town, on Langdon's Drop.

Carlton immediately rolled a wish to have another child. Lynsay wants nothing more than to fill up that space with cats, though. But for now she's concentrating on making friends with her neighbours. The feline ones, that is. She visits the Bernard family just to play with their cats, Alabaster and Zoey.

I'm not sure what the Bernard family think of a visitor who spends all morning in the garage, with the cats, but the cats enjoy her visit. Before it's time for Lynsay to head to the diner to work, she's made two new feline friends.

The next day she visits her mother (or rather, her cats who still live with her mother) and on her way home she spots a cat in the park. One she didn't know yet! So the rest of the morning is spent playing with French Fry Adams, Michael and Layla's cat.

Lynsay is now friends with 9 cats. She needs six more, so she'll probably end up adopting some. I don't think there even are six more cats on the island...

* * *

In the Harrell family are running out of room. As long as the kids are young, though, Janelle wants to continue to live with them and help raise her grandsons. But there's hardly enough room in the house for all of them, and they don't have the money to find a bigger house. Well, they would, if Donovan wasn't saving up to buy his own bar!

Eric and Eliza share a room for now, and Janelle shares hers with one of her grandsons, while the other sleeps with Jeannine and Donovan.

In the meantime Donovan is studying his mixology. Jeannine discovered she needed to work on her logic and her gardening if she wanted to get ahead in her job. So they went to the library together.

The other Harrell family, Rosanna and her wife, are happy enough on their boat and don't need to move. Constance does need to work a bit harder, though, if she wants to get to the top of her career while she's still young enough to enjoy the benefits.
It takes three days of working hard and 'really selling it', but she finally does manage to get to the top of the Fortune Teller career. She's now a Celebrity Psychic, and can hold Psychic Conferences at the theater.

She also gets a snazzy new work outfit.

While Constance was working unusually hard, the Harrell twins had their birthday.

Here's Serge:

And this is Sevrin:

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