Saturday, December 12, 2015

Bicycle Races are Coming Your Way...

Well not sure about bicycle "races" as such, but this round one of my priorities is to give everyone a bike. Or a scooter, or for some (like Rock Star Trevor McGovern) a motorbike.
I already set NRaas Traffic to make sure anyone who does not have a vehicle takes a taxi, which prevents them buying those ugly cheap cars, and now I want to take down the number of taxis by giving them all bikes to get around on.

In the Adams family Dexter immediately used his new bike to go to the theatre to collect his Simmy Award for Best Director. In his evening clothes.

Somehow he managed to get Simmy home safely, where it's now on display in the dining room - next to his Sims' Choice Award and the Key to the City.

Dexter's oldest grandson, Benjamin, aged up to child, so he, too, has his own bike now. Walter is still toddler.

Benjamin spends a lot of his time in the new laundromat. There's no library in town yet, and the laundromat has a few bookshelves with some interesting books.

Speaking of laundromats, the one in Winchester was in dire need of some renovation, so it received a major make-over. Here's Layla Adams - the first to try out the new machines. They don't have their own washing machine at home.

Layla and Michael's daughter Nicola aged up as well. She still looks a bit like her grandmother Angelina, but that might just be the blond hair. At least so far she's not insane...

Nena is still a toddler.

Layla wants another child, but I'm not so sure where they could fit one... She currently works as an actress - mainly doing television commercials.

* * *

Lori Adams is still working very hard to become a Dynamic DNA Profiler. She reached level 8 of her career this round.
Which means she did better than her husband's aunt Gwendolyn, who is still stuck at level 7 of her career as an Art Appraiser - 'Cartoon Counterfeiter'. She wants to move up the ladder and become a Master Forger. She lives in a small house, with her mother Judith, who didn't want to stay in the Adams house by herself after Brandon died.

Gwendolyn spent some time scanning artwork - hoping to learn how to forge signatures, which is the next step on her career path.

Gwendolyn's scanning activities were severely hampered by her mother's incessant wish to take selfies with her daughter. Six times in a row Gwendolyn's scanning was interrupted because of her mother's obsession with her camera phone - until in the end I decided to help Gwen out by sending her mother to a remote beach on the other end of the island. By the time she'd walked back to take another selfie, Gwen had scanned eight or nine paintings (which she "borrowed" by buying them from the catalog and selling them again - she doesn't have room in the house for that much art!)

Across the street in the Victor Adams Retirement Home everyone has been given a scooter. Some brave souls are even trying to fix up an old car.

* * *

Sheila and Roger still live with the parents. Mostly because of Sheila. She wants the "Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous" - and to do so she needs a net worth of 100,000 Simoleons. On her own she'd never be able to manage it, so she continues to live in the attic of her in-laws' barn. As long as she's part of their household, she does have the money. And of course she is surrounded by celebrities to talk to and raise her star level.

Roger had somehow switched jobs, so this time around he switched back to being an acrobat.
(I don't know how that happened - but thank goodness for the mailbox cheat.)

Sheila is still at level 4 in the Film career, and I'm not sure whether I'll want her to be an actress or another director...

* * *

After the Adams families all received their new bikes, the Bernard family were next in line. They didn't really have anything interesting going on, so there's really nothing to say about them this time around.

So instead of the Bernard family, I give you this random cat picture.

And that's all for now. The Fox family are up next, and there's a lot going on there!

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