Thursday, December 24, 2015

RIP Victor Adams (and Russell Mendez, and Sun Young Adams)

Victor Adams was next to die of old age. He's the last of the Sims who still remembered the family's search for a new home - starting in Fort Sims, where his great-grandfather, David Adams, settled down with his wife and twin toddler sons.

Here he is, with his proud mother, Corey (Harrell) Adams:

And as a toddler, being held by his grandfather, Frederick.

He went to elementary school in Fort Sims:

Then the family moved to Mesa Valley, which was a deserted desert town at the time they moved in. There his little brother Brandon was born.

Victor ended up marrying a girl from Shang-Simla, Sun Young Kim. They had one child, a son named Chen.

Chen and his girlfriend Angelina never married, but they did have a son, Michael Adams. And they stayed together all their lives.

Soon after Michael's birth, the family moved to Winchester Island. The second time Victor was uprooted, and had to get used to a whole new town.

Michael grew up, and married Layla Lufti. Victor played the violin at their wedding. (By then he was a Hit Movie Composer).

Victor loved his two great-granddaughters, Nicola and Nena. They were a comfort to him and his wife Sun Young after they lost Chen and Angelina in quick succession.

After Chen's death he managed to persuade Angelina to let all the elderly in town who wished it live in their enormous house. After Angelina's death soon after, the house became known as the Chen Adams Retirement Home. It is there that Victor died, surrounded by his extended family.

So all in all, Victor had a full life, and he will be remembered by many. His grandson Michael petitioned to rename the retirement home after Victor - since it was Victor's idea - and Chen didn't do anything except die from greed (transmuting one too many apples to gold).
So Victor Adams Retirement Home it is now. :)

* * *

Fittingly, Victor was the first to be buried in the new churchyard, next to the new church. His ghost came to check it out when his friend Russell Mendez was buried there a few days after his own death...

Sun Young died soon afterwards, making Regina and Harmony the eldest citizens of Winchester.

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