Saturday, December 5, 2015

Thao: The Fairy Tale Finders

Timothy Thao and his wife Aisha (formerly Lufti) both had the wish to befriend a unicorn. Timothy was the first to find one, but adding her to the household fulfilled the wish for both of them.

Here's Timothy riding his unicorn through the streets of Winchester.

The Thao boys have grown up now. In fact, today is Ernest's birthday. He becomes a young adult, and has to pick a Lifetime Wish for himself. He chooses to become a Canine Companion, since his new random trait was 'dog lover'.

And then he fixes his wardrobe and takes an aptitude test. He scores a 400/400 for PhysEd and Communications, and 399/400 for Technology.

Brendan, the younger brother, is currently not doing well. He's failing school, and he's turning out to be a bit of a rebel.

Even when his audience (the mailman and Bernadette Kim) are yelling at eachother, Brendan keeps on rocking.

In fact, he is best friends with Bernadette Kim - and she just sent him a love letter, too!!

* * *

Timothy's parents, Jeremy and Danelle, live at the Retirement Home. So does Jeremy's twin brother, Jonathan, with his wife Lucia. Together they have the attic rooms, and they each have their own bathroom.

Lucia Thao, by the way, is Daniel Harrell's youngest sister. Just about everyone on the island is related to everyone else...
Lucia and Jonathan are the parents of Susannah Fox.

* * *

Ernest decides to start his career by getting a degree, so he goes off to Uni. He's thought long and hard, but thinks in the end that Technology will be the most helpful, as he's thinking of either the military or law enforcement.

It's actually winter in Uni town!

Ernest decides to see whether he can meet some other students. This is a girl called Esther. She's actually a 1-star celebrity, but so is Ernest. So they immediately have something to talk about...

Esther loves the outdoors, but this outfit seems to be just a *little* bit under-dressed for the weather!

Ernest works hard at Uni. He does go on a few dates with Esther, although three or four other students also ask him. Including one girl who keeps inviting him to a different party every single night... And there's one roommate that he becomes best friends with, too.  He tells her about his military ambitions.

(Actually, he has the 'can salute' hidden trait. That probably traveled all the way down from Frederick Adams, his great-great-grandfather, who was an astronaut.)

He works hard, and also tries out the brain enhancing machine he was given (on loan). It increases his handiness to level 5. Amazing!

There's not much to do for Ernest - he can't play table tennis outside in the dorm garden, because the snow is too deep. So he hangs out at the bowling alley a lot.

In fact, his jock influence rises really, really fast - so he decides to give it a final boost by buying some more.

Ernest graduates with an A, and attends several parties that last weekend.

Then he arrives home, and almost immediately he receives an offer to join the sports agent career. This wasn't what he was planned, but he takes the offer anyway. It means he'll work at the same venue as his father, in a career that is new to Winchester. That should be more interesting than boring old law enforcement!

He spends the evening at home chatting with his mother and admiring his dad's new outfit, haircut and mustache (Timothy is beginning to act his age just a little...)

His parents have also redecorated. Aisha had some furniture brought over from Egypt.

In the meantime his brother Brendan has plans to go out on a date with Bernadette. However, Timothy joins them, and shows her a cat video. Bernadette seems to love it, but Brendan is very annoyed.

Parents can be so awkward!!!

Once Timothy leaves, though, the evening goes pretty much as Brendan planned. And at the end of the day, he's got himself a steady girlfriend!!

Ernest waits anxiously for Esther to arrive the next morning. She shows up around 9.00, just like she promised, and seems to be very happy to see him.

At some point it doesn't appear to be going well, though.

Fortunately, they apparently manage to work out these issues, and soon Ernest pops the question.

Of course she accepts!

They'll have to make do with living with his parents for now - the family don't really have enough money to allow Ernest to move out. Fortunately they DO have enough money for a second bed (but no room for a double bed, either...)

Esther moves in, and joins the culinary career. Next round Ernest and Edith can hopefully buy themselves a houseboat, and get married.

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