Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Shang Simla Connection

The Kim family are a pretty powerful force in Winchester. Ho Sung was the top athlete, and captained his team to a lot of victories, while Hui Young, his wife, ran one of the biggest companies on the island.

Ho Sung kept a lot of ties with his homeland of Shang Simla, and insisted on giving all his kids Chinese names. His one big regret is that none of his children felt they needed to pass on that tradition.

This is the Kim family before the death of  Xiu Ying, who ate a bad jellybean.

This is how Xiu Ying looks now, as a ghost:

A few weeks after his daughter's death, Ho Sung died of old age. He was mourning at his daughter's grave at the time (the one with the pink flamingo), so they buried him next to her.

Hui Young continued to live with her youngest son and his family.

Alexander doesn't really get along with his sisters, but I did catch him playing catch with Bernadette. Maybe his mother made him. LOL!!

Huan Chao Kim was a private eye, but he changed his profession to ghost hunter and spend some of his lifetime happiness points on re-defining his lifetime goal.

He worked his way up to Paranormal Profiteer, and then decided to dust off his PI-licence and give the detective career another go. He's been working a lot of cases, but most of them are petty. And repetitive.

Just now, while investigating another "interesting" case regarding some missing designer shoes, he was informed that he now had the new job title of Flatfooted Investigation Specialist - which is level 9. He had to give up on the investigation, though - no matter what piece of furniture he looked at in the house of his suspect, it was impossible to dust for prints.

It's an easy way to get up that career ladder, really. Start cases and don't finish them...

In the meantime Bianca Kim has been working as a psychic. She's still only a palm reader, level 4. She works for Constance McGovern, her sister's wife, which can't be easy!

This round, the Kim twins aged up to teenagers. Alexander is actually close to graduating already. He is doing very well in school, and his steady girlfriend is Alexandra Fox at the moment.

Alexander wants to be a Seasoned Traveler - maxing his visa in all three vacation worlds. He even bought a hat to make him feel more adventurous... Now all he has to do is stop looking at cat videos and start planning a trip!

Bernadette is a bit of a problem child. A hot-headed neurotic loner who loves the outdoors.

She clashes a lot with her sister Christal, who is equally hot-headed, and also a loner. It's very difficult for two loners to be forced to share a bedroom - let alone two hotheaded ones!

Both sisters were inspired by their parents' careers to want to become Masters of Mysticism, although that may chance when they grow into adults. (It's a SP setting that gives LTWs to teens, which is annoying - but I can't seem to get it fixed.)

* * *

Meanwhile Huan Chao's brother Yi Quan and his wife Wu are both at the top of their careers and starting to look forward to reaching retirement age.
Wu is a Hit Movie Composer, and Yi Quan is a Legendary Piscator (level 10 Angler) who used to have a very impressive private aquarium, but sold most of his fish because Wu objected to continuously having to scoop the dead ones out of the smelly tanks.

However, she did say she'll allow him to keep dragonfish in the kitchen, if he manages to catch some.
Wu has been feeling homesick for Shang Simla, and really wanted to visit the country again. The promise of fishing is the best way to get Yi Quan to agree to a vacation!

Huan Chao and Bianca give them permission to take their nephew, too, so he can work on his own visa level. So Alexander temporarily moves in with them, and the three of them travel to China.

Yi Quan immediately starts fishing - here he is trying to catch the type of koi carp that dragonfish apparently prefer to eat.

He spends the rest of his stay going up and down between this fishing spot and the base camp, while Wu enjoys the scenery and the tourist attractions.

Meanwhile, Alexander discovered the Adventure Board. The first thing he does is retrieve some relic or other from the Halls of the Lost Army. It's surprisingly easy.

This adventuring doesn't seem as hard as he's been led to believe! And his hat seems to be pretty waterproof, too.

He gets to visa level 1 in China by buying some lapis lazuli at the market, which he then has to present to... Yeah, the relics merchant who just sold it to him!
She then asks him to find her some mercury, which, incidentally, she also sells at her shop...

It's an interesting way to drum up business, to say the least! So when she asks him for assassin beetles next, he tells her that he's not interested any more... For all he knows, she's got a stash of those, too!!!

Instead, he explores the Dragon Cave for somebody named Zhan Su, and has a disturbing vision there. He reports it to Zhan, who mutters something about a mummy warrior and the need for a meditation statue...
When Zhan asks him to find the lapis lazuli and other materials for his statue, Alexander decides that he'd rather run all over China to find them than go to that relics shop again. He manages to find a lot more than he needed, which he gives to his aunt and uncle as a 'thank you' for taking him on this trip.

The next day Zhan asks him to learn about martial arts. He has to spar with somebody named Biyu Shen.

Well, that was educational... The best thing he learned is that his hat can stay on even when doing jumping kicks.

The next thing he discovers is that mediation is bad for your eyesight. (No idea where he suddenly got the glasses.)

By this time Yi Quan has caught over 30 dragonfish, and then he caught a cold... So they're on their way home. Alexander just finished the first leg of the Dragon Cave adventure, and he's now at around 90% of visa level 2, so that's enough for him as well.

Yi kept two of the dragonfish, and they're now in an aquarium in his kitchen.

Alexander moved back home, there's no room for him to stay over at his uncle's house unless he sleeps on the sofa.

* * *

So no new accomplishments, but Alexander is well on his way to his LTW, and his father is one step away from being at the top of his new career.

Originally, Huan Chao had the Pervasive Private Eye wish. I found that with a rotation, the counter reset to 0 when I switched families. And since it's career-related, you can't accomplish the wish in the vacation countries either, like Bianca's "Zoologist" wish.

I found these wishes to be impossible with a rotation due to resetting counters:
- Firefighter Super Hero (save 30 lives as a firefighter)
- Home Design Hotshot (achieve 100 top reviews as an architectural designer)
- Pervasive Private Eye (solve 35 cases as a private investigator)
- Seaside Savior (rescue 50 Sims as a Lifeguard)

There are resetting wishes that you might be able to accomplish in vacation worlds, because you can play a long vacation without losing too much time in the home world.

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