Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Harrell, Harrell and Harrell - and once again, a bit of McGovern

The Harrell family has been split up into three households now.

Daniel Harrell and his wife moved to the Retirement Home, rather than live with one of their daughters.
Bianca (now Kim) actually lives with her in-laws, and Rosanna lives on a small houseboat with her wife where there's no room for them.

Daniel and Sofia have been given a very generic rooms in the Home. In fact, it looks just like Regina and Russel's room next door, and doesn't feel at all like 'home' to them yet.

Sofia really misses her relic collection - she had her own Private Museum, but had to give it all up in the last Sim-quake (i.e. the last game corruption).

Daniel misses his photographs, too. So they decide to go to Egypt one more time - just so Sofia can buy some relics.

Daniel feels he's much to old to start adventuring now - so he just reads his book and enjoys the vacation.

Sofia, however, is adventurous, so she can't resist snooping around in a few tombs. Not always with great success, though!

They bring home a few things, and redo their room, adding a few display cases and a lot of shelves.

They feel more at home already. Next stop France? Or maybe China?

* * *

Samantha Thao lived with Nathan and Abbie after her husband died. She recently passed away of old age herself, and is now buried next to Tom in the new graveyard.

Nathan and Abbie decided to stay in their old house after their son Leonard was tragically killed while practicing his magic tricks.

They live with their daughter-in-law, Janelle (formerly McGovern) and their grandson Donovan. I think part of it is that they don't trust Janelle's taste - they're afraid of what she might do to the house if left to her own devices...

However, Janelle seems to be sobering up with age. Just this week she decided it was time to do something about her clothing and hairstyle. (She's had the dreads and the 70's outfit since she became a young adult, so it's about time!)

Donovan has now become a young adult, and his Lifetime Wish is to be a Master Mixologist. He wants to max his mixology skill, and then buy a bar of his own some day.

Now that there's actually a reception area with  a real bar in the basement of city hall, he's been able to watch a pro at work.

He's not quite skilled enough to be allowed to moonlight himself, but he's bought the books, so he'll get there.

His grandfather Nathan, meanwhile, embarrassed everyone around by playing funk at the DJ-booth. Even the mixologist took a break just to heckle him!!

At the other end of town Daniel and Sofia's eldest daughter, Rosanna, lives with her wife Constance, who is on her way to becoming a Celebrity Psychic. She's not quite there yet, but she's getting better every day at faking her way up the career ladder.

Constance is Janelle's twin sister, but not very much like her in traits. For one thing, she's evil. Very evil. Kids all over Winchester hide their candy when they see her coming, no matter how hard she works on her charisma skill.

Of course the evil is exactly what attracted Rosanna in the first place. She loves evil. In fact, she's the Empress of it.

Constance and Rosanna have a very rocky relationship. But somehow they're making it work.

By the way, Rosanna is supposed to be a genius, but nobody who's seen her watching breakfast television would guess:

This round, Constance got up to Level 8 in the (fake) Psychic career. She's now a Pseudo Psychic.

* * *

So that's the Harrell family brought up to date. No new accomplishments, but things are moving in the right direction.

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