Monday, April 16, 2012

And more babies!

So what *does* Corey when she finds out her father was going to have more kids? Right - she goes into a big mid-life crisis, switches jobs to the music career, and gets pregnant, too!!! (Yes, she did roll both wishes all by herself!)

She goes to visit the house where her mother lived for such a very, very short time after her move, just to see how the new wife changed everything. And of course, she did.

Kelsey makes it perfectly clear that from now on, she is going to be taking care of Wesley, and she needs nobody to tell her how to run a household. (After all, she cleaned Corey's house before she got married, so she knows Corey's no housekeeper!)

And then, in the middle of the conversation, Kelsey's water breaks. And Corey, being an experienced mother and all that - panicks!!

In fact, everybody panicked, except Kelsey, who didn't really understand what all the fuss was about, and went to the hospital. The baby is a boy, and they called him Daniel.

(The game suggested Daryll - but Daryll Harrell isn't really in my top twenty of names for a child... LOL!)
I had at this point decided that I wanted the game to take care of the traits, so I tried not to be around during birth. Still, the game was kind to Daniel, and made him artistic and brave.

The day after, Corey has another son, too. They call him Brandon. He's virtuoso, and artistic.
Victor enjoys having a little brother.

And my Mac game gave up on rendering crib-clones (as well as any other item that has a moving part, like a toy stove or a clock). Store items work fine, but cc items turn invisible in some states.

At this point I got a bit overwhelmed with babies. Kelsey and Wesley wanted another one, and so did Tom and Samantha (they must be nuts!!) - and since I was switching between three families with children, I figured 'long' (190 days) would be a better lifespan to cope with so many toddlers.

* * *

The Thao triplets grew up around that time. Harmony (brave, good and a slob), Terra (brave, slob and evil) and Regina (clumsy, genius, couch potato).

And soon the girls are off to school. And homework.

Regina is always the fastest. And she always beats her sisters at chess, too. It's already very clear who is the 'genius' in the family!

And Samantha and Tom's next babies are twin boys, Jonathan and Jeremy. They both love the outdoors. Jeremy is athletic, Jonathan is artistic.

Brandon Adams grows up into a red-haired toddler. His uncle (half-uncle?) Daniel turns out blonde, like Wesley used to be.

Kelsey and Wesley have a second son, Nathan:

Soon after Nathan is born, both his parents roll a wish for another child - they both want a girl this time, so Kelsey stocks up on the watermellons.
I guess they're in a hurry, because at Wesley's age he might not see his kids grow up. (I did give him life fruit, but I didn't want to overdo it...)

It works, because their next baby is a daughter. They name her Lucia. And they move into the third big  house on the same street where the others all live.
There are now three households, in three big houses on one single cul-de-sac.

Nathan grows up a day or two after his brother Daniel.

The Thao twins grow up into almost identical toddlers.

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