Friday, April 20, 2012

More Children

As soon as the Thao family has more money, Jake and Terra buy the trailer next to Harmony and Yves. Terra has a few mishaps, including a kitchen fire or two...

Jake dislikes children. So naturally Terra gets pregnant on the first try. And she has twins - without any intervention from me, no fertility awards, no kiddie music channel or anything like that. I think that it must be Terra's evil trait coming out in an unexpected way…

They call the babies Christopher and Melanie. (Yes, they're mixed gender - my first mixed gender twins, and the third multiple birth in Mesa Valley.)

That same day Daniel and Sofia have a daughter, Rosanna.

Meanwhile Dominic Mendez ages up to child, and so does Julien Barnard. Dominic has his mother's blue eyes and red hair.

Abbie had moved into the Harrell house to prevent ageing glitches, and for the first few days after the wedding they were all crammed in together.

By that time Kelsey had also back - she's created her perfect fruit garden, so she can go back to her own comfortable home now.

So at this point Daniel and Sofia can move into their own home, taking Rosanna (who is now a toddler).

Christopher and Melanie soon age up to toddlers as well. They're both blond, but Christopher actually has much lighter hair than his father - he has his grandfather Tom's hair, I think. Melanie seems to have Jake's shade of blond.

* * *

In the meantime, Yi Quan Kim and Chen Adams are both young adults, too. Angelina ages up, too, but she doesn't seem to want to get married. Neither of them ever get the 'propose' action, even though they do get all the other romantic interactions… And enjoy them, too. :)

Angelina wants to be a professional sculptor.

She and Chen now live together in one of the trailers while Victor and Sun Young share the second one.

* * *

Yi Quan goes back to Shang Simla, where he meets a pretty young woman named Wu.

When he gets home, he tells his parents it's time to move out. For a while, he moves in with his aunt and uncle, Victor and Sun Young. Or rather, he moves into the third trailer in their trailer park.

It goes really fast now, it's hard to keep track of everyone!

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