Monday, April 16, 2012

Unexpected romance, and a birthday party

Victor doesn't stay in his trailer very long, though. He figures the best thing to do is to keep busy - so he starts arranging for a trip to Shang-Simla. 
His aunt Samantha has told him so much about the beauty of the scholar's garden, and the joy of meditation. And there are new songs to learn. Victor wants to be a Hit Movie Composer, so he needs some exotic inspiration.

Maybe he should just concentrate on some skill building. After all, he's young and there might be new NPCs just around the corner.

And then the miracle happens: at the Academy, he meets a stunning young woman, about his own age. He talks to her, and she's not insane, or creepy at all!

They hit it off straight away, and when they say goodnight, Victor tries a shy kiss...

The young lady's name is Sun Young Kim, and she lives with her brother and his wife, Ho Sung and Hui Young.

Hui Young gets along withVictor, but Ho Sung doesn't like him at all. I wonder if that is what they're arguing about here?

In any case, Ho Sung refuses to let Victor into the house, but Sun Young spends most of her time at the Academy anyway, so they hang out for the rest of Victor's vacation.

The trip is very short, of course - and the minute Victor is home, he misses her so much that he invites her over. And asks her to stay!!

Maybe Sun Young just wants to get away from her over-protective older brother, or maybe she just loves the trailer and the view of the desert? In any case, she feels she'd rather get married straight away instead of going home first.

The moment they're married, and Sun Young should be added to the family, she drives off. Cold feet? Or maybe her brother trying to interfere? Victor doesn't understand it, and he tries to contact her and get her to come back.
Fortunately she does show up and rings his doorbell the next day, and he manages to make it clear to her that she's no longer a visitor, and the trailer is her home now.

(Actually, this is a known glitch. Sun Young somehow got reset, and it needed inviting her back over and using the 'add to active family' cheat to get her to move in properly!)

Funny thing: as soon as she oficially moved in, the option pops up to invite Ho Sung Kim move in with her - leaving his wife in China, apparently.
Well, naturally Sun Young - and especially Victor - is not keen on having him move into the trailer with them. So she tells him to stay in China, be nice to Hui Young and have some babies. Or words to that effect...

Jesse approves of his new daughter-in-law, too. Maybe Corey is a bit disappointed that there's no big wedding - but they do have a formal party after the fact.

"Welcome to sunny Mesa Valley, Sun Young!"

I think they're especially relieved they no longer have to fear having the insane ex-babysitter as a daughter-in-law...

* * *

Meanwhile, life goes on. Corey ages up to elder, while her half-siblings are still schoolkids.

* * *

I got a pop-up saying the girls had their birthday and turned into teens. When I went to look for them, I found them at the motel, looking at the cheap crappy tvs there - while they have a big screen wall television at home...

Regina didn't much care for the show, so she left, in search of a chess set. Also, she turned 'frugal' as a teen, so she probably thinks a slumber party at the motel is a waste of money. (Looking at the decor, I can't blame her!)

The other two were watching a romantic channel. Apparently Terra likes one of the actors:

Harmony thinks she's crazy, she thinks the other one is way cuter:

But Terra doesn't agree.

She's in loooooove...

But who's that new guy who just walked in? It looks like they finally agree on something!

By the way, Terra got the 'born saleswoman' trait (goes well with evil, IMHO... ) and Harmony is now a 'natural cook'. She used to bake tons of muffins - but I never got around to having a bake sale.

1 comment:

  1. *lol* @ the girls watching TV.
    Brandon is an adorable heir, for sure.
    It's too cute that Victor and Sun Young have been wanting babies.
